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rosie's p.o.v

"a bracelet?" adam's voice is flat and disappointed, as if he thought someone had sent me a bomb or a note detailing my imminent arranged marriage.

i, however, am intrigued. the silver leaves are clearly expensive, the size exactly right for my wrist. i examine the intricate pattern in detail, memorising every design and pattern. it's like a flower crown, but silver leaves and for my wrist not my head. that isn't the most interesting part though, because on the inside of the metal jewellery is carved my name.. well, kind of.

'lady astraea nova'.

so it's from asgard.

a flutter fills my chest as i look into the box and see a small piece of paper, only a few words written on it in cursive handwriting.

"for my little piece of heaven"

i wasn't planning on crying, i didn't think i was going to at all, but before i had a chance to breathe tears found their way down my cheeks and i sniffed pathetically.

"what's wrong? who's it from?" adam frowns in concern. i only shake my head in response, slipping the bracelet onto my wrist and relishing in the sense or comfort it seems to bring. i feel safe, in an odd kind of way, like i'm at home.

"miss stark your father is requesting your presence" jarvis informs me and i nod, gulping back small sobs.

adam follows me to the room but doesn't say anything, probably a little freaked out at my reaction to a bracelet and the rest of the weird things that have occurred this afternoon.

"what was it ro-" dad starts to talk as we enter the room but cuts himself off when we make eye contact "have you been crying?".

i open my mouth to respond, but realising that my voice will waver i close it again and shake my head.

"don't lie to me come here" his words are harsh but his eyes soft and worried. as soon as i reach him he wraps an arm around my shoulders and checks me over. "what's wrong?" he asks, his voice lowered in case i don't want people to know.

i just shake my head again, not quite sure how to explain it especially as he doesn't believe me in the first place.

"come on cub you've got to work with me here, what was the package?" he frowns down at me.

i lift my wrist up to show him the leaves around my wrist, the silver glinting in the light. he stares at it for a moment, then grabs my arm and lifts it closer to his face to inspect it closer.

"who sent it?" he asks suddenly.

i contemplate telling him that it came from my mum in the sky, but honestly the truth hasn't been going down too well lately, so i settle for a shrug.

"was there a note or anything?" he prompts to which i respond with a shake of my head, catching adam's eye and hinting that it stays between us. luckily he gets the memo and sends a small nod in my direction.

i know i can always trust adam.

"weird" he mumbles.


"it was your mum's" he lets go of my arm and i let it drop to my side "she never took it off, even wore it whilst having you". he pauses for a moment before sighing "it's just weird that it got to you somehow".

"i don't think it could've been hers" i shake my head gently "it has my name engraved in it".

if i thought my dad was frowning before, now he's really frowning. i take the bracelet off of my wrist quickly and show him the words engraved inside.

"lady astraea nova?" he screws up his features.

"it's uh.. it's what they called me, you know when i was asleep"

i knew the words were risky, and i immediately regret them when dad locks eyes with me for a long moment. i'm not sure what he's thinking, probably something about my descent into insanity or how he really needs to get me adopted, but after a few uncomfortable moments he breaks it off and turns away, as if he can't bear to look at me any longer.

"have you two eaten?" he asks without eye contact.

"no" i shift uncomfortable on the spot, tugging at a stray piece of hair which has fallen out of my ponytail.

"i think there's pizza in the fridge, pepper can help you warm it up in a minute".

"okay" i almost whisper "sorry".

i think my apology shocked me as much as it did him. he just froze on the spot, turning to look at me slowly. still, he remained silent.

pepper's heels clicked across the floor and without warning she lifted me up onto her hip "you have nothing to be sorry for, your dad is just being stubborn and refusing to believe that you experienced something unscientifically proven in those months. don't worry bugs, i believe you, i know you wouldn't lie" she holds me close to her side and carries me out of the room, holding adam's hand in her free one.

dad still doesn't say anything, i don't think he really cares how i feel at the moment.

after adam and i have eaten our pizza i get up by myself to go pee, not really wanting it to be a group trip. i was so focused on my full bladder that i didn't even realise 'natalie' was there until i ran into her full-force.

"oh, uh, sorry" i mumble, scrambling to my feet, already mortified from exclaiming that she was lying about her name earlier and now embarrassed that i've just done a dive onto the floor.

"it's um- it's okay" she seems flustered, understandably. i'm pretty sure you'd be flustered too if some crazy child of a rich player had accused you of lying about your identity.

god, i'm such an idiot. she's probably not even lying, i'm probably kidding myself with this entire thing, i'm probably going insane. i mean, no one falls into a coma and wakes up on another planet with their dead mum and siblings who don't exist. i'm crazy, i'm literally insane.

i keep my flushed cheeks hidden by my ponytail as i rush past natash- natalie and try to speed down the hall without further incident. it doesn't go as planned.

"hey actually, i was hoping to talk to you" she calls after me and i stop abruptly, turning to face her. "you're uh, you're right i'm not natalie. i don't know how you know, or exactly what's going on with you and your dad, but i do know that you're an intelligent girl and will manage to keep this to yourself" she offers out a sleek hand "natasha romanoff, assassin and shield agent".

i stare at the hand in front of me, the hand of an assassin, of a secret agent, of natasha romanoff.

then i furrow my eyebrows and look up at her "are you going to kill my dad?".

she looks taken aback for a moment and then chuckles "no, i'm here to watch over him, keep him out of trouble".

i contemplate this for a moment, at the present time it could be quite useful to have someone to babysit my dad, besides natasha seems quite cool and maybe she could train me to be an assassin.

"rosalie nova-stark" i take her hand in mine and shake it firmly "you already know that but i already knew your name too so now we're even".

she gives me a quizzical smile with one eyebrow raised, but seems slightly impressed "well, i shall see you around rosalie, don't let your dad dishearten you too much, i'm sure he'll come around".

so that's how my friendship with an assassin began, and how i became more determined to back myself with the knowledge that my mama is alive and i am not a normal eight year old.

also how i got really embarrassed because my friend watched me argue with my dad and probably felt as awkward as i did.


sooo what are our thoughts? tension between tony and rosie whoops sorry it had to happen at some point.

also like natasha romanoff am i right?

pepper potts is a mother™️ and you can't convince me otherwise

arwen xxx

little piece of heaven (tony stark's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now