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tony's p.o.v

it was never meant to be this way.

we weren't trying for a baby, but that doesn't mean that she was ever unwanted. i remember how gaia's eyes lit up when she told me. i was beyond shocked, but i saw how excited she was and i couldn't help but feel the same. it was the best time of our lives together, excited planning and preparations for our baby girl. every scan left us walking on clouds, the gender reveal prompted me to wake up every day and pinch myself. i couldn't wait to hold my little girl and my future wife, and just be together, as an unbeatable trio. we were supposed to raise her together, love her together, protect her together.

yet here i am, a tiny baby in my arms sleeping peacefully. her lip quivers as she breathes in and out. she's blissfully unaware that the most important woman in both of our lives... is gone. she's perfect, from her wispy curls to her perfect nose and tiny feet, she's everything the both of us hadn't dared to hope for. but gaia isn't here to love her with me. i'm all she has now, which doesn't bode well for her. i'm not built to be a father, my father wasn't a father. i wasn't supposed to do this on my own.

naming her was a task i wasn't prepared for at all, i'd left the names to my eccentric girlfriend. she loved cool-sounding goddess names, but top of her list was a name i'd mentioned in passing. rosalie. it fits her perfectly, she's beautiful and delicate, like a rose. i couldn't pick a middle name, so she ended up with four, all her mother's choice.

Rosalie Astraea Harmonia Atlanta Nyx Nova-Stark.

becoming accustomed to life with a baby was the hardest task i've ever taken on in my life, learning to handle my greatest creation. i've never had to look after such a fragile being, someone who relies on you completely. the first night, she woke up screaming.

i immediately jump up, taking a few gentle steps over to the cradle gaia picked out last month. rosalie is little and red, her small lungs emitting a noise i don't think even i am capable of reaching. "hey, hey it's alright" i soothe, reaching into the bundle of sheets and lifting her out as if she's made of china. she's so tiny, about the size of my hand, making me feel clumsy and huge. gaia used to tell me all about how to care for a baby, sometimes it seemed as if she knew that she wouldn't be here when rosie was born. she'd tell me to talk softly, that our baby would need to hear the sound of my voice, she said that cuddles won't fix everything but will help her feel safe, that one day she'll grow up and she'll need her dad to support her when things get tough. i remember these things as i rub my index finger in a circle on her back, trying to comfort her cries. "i know you're scared" i murmur "but it's okay because i am too, it's okay to be scared" my voice wobbles a little "you and me, we're gonna figure everything out, we're going to do just fine. trust me on this one tiny, we'll be okay".

oooo omg i've been working on this for a while and i'm so excited to share it with you!

please vote and comment and let me know what you think because i'm nervous haha, not quite sure on an uploading schedule yet so comment your opinions on that too!

opinions on tony as a dad? i'm excited for everyone to see how rosie grows : )

omggg see you in the next part



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