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Rosie's p.o.v

Everything was fine, until it wasn't.

I don't remember everything that happened, but I'll try my best to retell it to you.

I went straight to Asgard, in my blind anger I didn't bother collecting any of my belongings, leaving everything (including my phone) behind. This is something I cursed later on because I couldn't cry to Pepper over the phone, or even text her to say I'm okay and I love her. It sucked.

Despite this, it's not as though I'm short of clothes in my second home. I made good use of the resources, changing into a pair of black leggings and a cute camo t-shirt. My hair was unceremoniously shoved into a messy ponytail, makeup wiped off, and I promptly fell asleep.

I had no reason to feel unsafe, why would I? The people there treated me like family, a lot of them were family. Were.

I was woken up to a hand on my shoulder, a jumbled thought of Rhodey's grip floated through my congested mind, but it wasn't Rhodey. No, the grip was much stronger, much more rough.

"Astraea? Raea we have to go".

I blinked my bleary eyes a few times, a sickening cliche of every typical lazy morning.. but it didn't feel like morning, and it certainly wasn't typical or lazy.

Before I could properly gather my bearings, I was torn from the comfort of my warm bed and forced to find my balance on my jelly legs.

I immediately felt disgruntled and irritated.

Then my eyes focused, and I could see Mars properly.

To be blunt, he looked like shit, I'm pretty sure that he'd just woke up as well. His hair was all over the place, dark bags under his eyes, his forehead creased into worry lines, and I knew he wasn't joking anymore.

I stopped him tugging me along all the same, trying to process a single coherent thought. "What?".

It wasn't as complex as I would've liked but it would do for the minute.

"We have to go Raea, it's not safe here".

So I did, in my blind, half-asleep state, I followed my alien brother out of the palace. I didn't feel the need to properly question it until an arrow narrowly missed my head.

"What the fuck.. what the fuck, no, Mars what the fuck is going on?".

He looked uneasy, uncomfortable, an expression which I'm tiring with on my siblings, there's always something they don't want to tell me, "They know".

"Know..." I held my hands out for him to elaborate.

Mars sighed, "They know you're half human, and they want you dead".

Then we ran.

They'd closed off the garden portals, essentially trapping me there. With people behind us that wanted my head, we decided silently that the best course of action was to get out of there as quickly as possible and find another portal.

We'd been running for about ten minutes when we had to stop to catch our breath. In the time that we were there, I called my bow and readied it with an arrow. I got the feeling that I'd need it.

"How do they know?" I asked, without looking him in the eye. I already knew the answer, it was just whether or not he'd admit it.

"She told them, mom, she told them".

"Thought so", I pulled the arrow into position on my bow, "Right okay, you ready?".

He nodded in confirmation, and we ran again.

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