Part 4 - Prologue

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rosie's p.o.v

"sir may i please request a few hours to re-calibrate-"

"no. forty-eight" dad injects himself once again and i wince at the click which signals the device implanting itself into his flesh. i've seen shit, but that is something i most definitely don't wish to experience. "ah! micro-repeater implanting sequence complete" he beams proudly and i roll my eyes.

"as you wish sir, i've also prepared a safety briefing for you to entirely ignore".

i snort "which he will".

dad looks up to where i'm sat in the spinny chair across the lab and nods "which i will. right, let's do this". he jumps up from his seat and makes his way over to my favourite clumsy robot "dummy. hi dummy, how did you get that cap on your head? you earned it".

"you know dad, sometimes i have to wonder how dummy hasn't been taken away by children's services" i raise an eyebrow and hop up to pat dummy on his 'head', sending the chair spinning behind me. 

dad gives me a pointed look before hip-bumping me out of the way to get to his robot "hey. hey! what are you doing round in the corner? you know what you did. blood on my mat, handle it".

"dad be nice to him" i whine "you might hurt his feelings".

"dummy doesn't have feelings, roo" he shakes his had at me.

i object "well he seems more emotive than you!".

"sir, may i remind you that you've been awake for nearly seventy-two hours" jarvis butts in and i opt to raise both of my eyebrows this time.

"that isn't healthy" i sing, bobbing my head from side to side as i do so.

"quiet you" he pokes me and i take great delight in just grinning and carrying on.

"i'll tell pepper".

"you will not".

"you, need to look after yourself" i frown up at him, the jokey element fading a little but still there to prevent an awkward air from coming between us.

"don't tell me what to do" he winks and walks away, ignoring my groan of frustration "focus up, ladies. good evening, and welcome to the birthing suite. i'm pleased to announce the imminent arrival of your bouncing, bad-ass, baby brother".

"excuse me, thought i was the bouncing bad-ass" i defend indignantly, i'm not about to give my title up to a bit of metal. 

"hush" dad waves me away with his hand "start tight and go wide, stamp in time. mark 42 autonomous prehensile propulsion suit test. initialise sequence" he raises the same hand to prompt the start of the events "jarvis, drop my needle".

an instinctive grin spreads across my face as christmas music starts to play on the record player and dad starts to dance. i join in, but with much more rhythm than him because i do dance, and he does not. when he realises that i'm dancing too, he grabs my arms and starts to tug me into some attempt at ballroom, my laughter echoing around the lab. then, he raises his arm towards his 'new baby'. i brace myself for something incredible but nothing happens and i laugh again.

"mine is much more efficient" i state, smug, as i raise my arm and with a flourish of my hand, my bow flies through the air and connects with it immediately. 

the genius glares down at me "yeah alright roos, we can't all be gods".

i lift my chin and hold my bow in the air like a trophy "yeah, you're right, only the best" i rock onto my left toes and hold my right leg out behind me in an arabesque, determined now just to show off.

dad, on the other hand, is having more troubles. as i flick my left plait over my shoulder, he hits his arm and points it towards the hunk of metal again. i'm actually quite impressed when one of the pieces flies off the table and assembles itself on dad's arm. the next piece connects with his shoulder and forms a whole piece of the suit. 

"wow" i muse, cocking my head to the side.

he then completes the other side, which naturally builds his confidence. so he opens his mouth, which never tends to have good consequences. "alright, i think we got this. send them all".

his left leg piece forms, and it all goes downhill after that. one piece sends itself rocketing right into one of the glass cases containing a suit, sending shards flying. another flies right at dad, who deflects it and it ends up crashing into the wall.

"okay no i take it back" i mumble as dad starts to panic a little.

"probably a little fast, slow it down. slow it down just a.." he's cut off by another part of the suit flying right past his head, and it's coming straight for me. i drop down to the floor at the last second, narrowly avoiding decapitation. as soon as i realise what happened i lose all composure to a fit of laughter which completely overrides my body, only pausing to roll out of the way of yet another rogue piece of armour.

the other parts connect to him, except for the face plate "come on. i ain't scared of you" dad challenges it, and i can't help but to smile as he flips over to grab it, connecting it to his face with a satisfied nod "i'm the best".

of course i lose it all again when one more stray piece of suit flies into him, knocking him down "yeah" i giggle "the best".

"as always sir, a pleasure watching you work" jarvis adds.

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