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rosie's p.o.v

"so your midgardian name won't do" mum glances down at me as she leads me to the bedroom she prepared for me. after explaining everything, she informed me that the asgardians are delighted that i'm here, and they're holding a birthday party for me tonight. i'm very excited, also scared because i'm not sure how these people will react to me, i hope they like me.

"why? i like my name" i respond indignantly, unsure as to why i would have to change it.

mama laughs placing a hand on my back "i do too, but your name is an earth name and the people here might not accept it".

i don't understand what she means, but nod anyway.

"how do you feel about your middle name?" she asks as we reach the end of the hall which we've been walking down for what feels like years. with both hands she pushes open the huge door we've reached and steps inside.

words fail me as the radiance hits me. i've never been somewhere more beautiful, or big. the biggest bed i've ever seen is at the far end of the room, mounted in fluffy blankets and silk pillows, white curtains framing the intricate headboard. the carpet beneath my bare feet is soft and fluffy, it almost feels as if i'm walking on clouds. one full wall is glass, similar to my room at home and my jaw almost drops at the view outside. a sea of beautiful houses waves up and down the hills, beautiful oranges and yellows brightening my mind as my eyes wash over them. everything is perfect. the next thing to catch my eye is one of the three blue walls. all over the baby blue paint, pictures of me are strung. there's the day i was born, my first day at school, all seven of my birthdays, even yesterday morning before i left for school with pepper. it's a bit random, but my outfit was cute so i guess it makes sense. i glance over all of the pictures, one in particular catching my eye. i'm not actually in it, but my dad is. him and mama are stood next to each other in front of my house. he has his arm around her waist, a grin on both of their faces. in mama's hand is a photo, a baby scan.

"asgard to rosie" mom shocks me out of my trance by gently shaking my shoulder "i asked if you like your middle name" she chuckles at my shocked expression which i shake off.

"which one?"

"oh" mama pauses, probably remembering that i have four "whichever is your favourite i suppose".

i frown as i size up my options "umm.. i mean i like astraea".

"then we'll go with that whilst you're here, until we're sure that everyone is welcoming"

again, i'm not sure what she means but decide to go with it, it might be cool to be astraea for a night. i catch sight of my reflection in a full-length mirror at the end of the room. my curls are a little wild, the white nightgown that i'm wearing is a little crumpled, but the cuts on my face are gone, as are (i notice as i turn) the cuts that littered my back and legs from the glass which must have only occurred a few hours ago.

"you won't have your earth wounds whilst you're here" mama notices me staring. we stand in silence for a moment before a grin breaks out on her face "i think it's time to start getting you ready". a guiding hand is placed in the middle of my back and she takes me to two doors on the other side of my room. the room on the other side brings a wide smile onto my face, the walls are lined with shelves and rails, all completely filled with clothes. they're organised by items and colours, satisfying to say the least. even more exciting is the fact that all of the clothes are things that i would pick out at home. ranging from pastel jeans and bright print-ts, to fancy ball-gowns and pretty shoes, absolutely everything is completely my style.

"wow" i whisper, my eyes open wide as i try to take everything in at once.

"so, for tonight, i was thinking this dress" mama picks out a blue ballgown which looks like it belongs to a disney princess from a selection of similar dresses "and these shoes" she crouches down to pick up a pair of white lace ballet flats. i can feel my eyes light up at the combination and my smile grows bigger if possible.

once in my outfit, saturn braids the top of my hair into a crown, weaving small white flowers into it like dad does sometimes. the rest of my curls tumble down to my waist like usual.

"so we have a planet each?" i ask my siblings as saturn finishes my hair.

"pretty much, not that anyone except you has anything going on on their planet" mars raises an eyebrow.

"it's not my planet yet" i remind him, trying to hold my head super still whilst saturn fixes a loose braid.

"not yet" venus joins in "but one day mom will pass it onto you".

"i don't think i'd be a very good planet owner" i decide with a frown "my daddy won't even trust me to be a plant owner".

saturn laughs, rubbing my back "you'll get there little rae" she beams.

"i think you'll be a wonderful goddess of earth one day" mars adds.

this makes me smile, being a goddess is the kind of thing that i used to dream of. i always wanted to dress up like a disney princess and attend a ball. now i get to, i only wish my dad and pepper were here.

mama said that daddy is alive, but he can't come home yet and i've chosen to trust her. like i said before, when you're eight you have to trust people.

mars holds my hand as i walk towards the great hall where the party is being held. music floats down the corridor, making me instinctively want to dance. i don't though, i hold it back and squeeze mars' hand. venus, saturn, and my mama are already at the party, but they wanted me to walk in late so that people are there when i make my entrance. mars is with me so i don't get lost or say something i regret.

"it's going to be fine, they'll love you, just be yourself and remember that your name is astraea" my brother winks and i giggle.

being a goddess is so much fun.

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