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rosie's p.o.v

i met someone, i'm not going too into detail so he can remain protected but he's a good guy, and i love him. long story short, he's also a hybrid, like you but not part human. we have a baby together, jupiter. you'll meet him later, but for now just know that he adores you and can't wait to meet his big sister.

the people here don't take kindly to hybrids, as you know yourself. they found out about jupes and i had to resign from being the guardian of earth. this is your legacy, rose, you were born a goddess and you were always destined to lead. admittedly, i didn't think it would be this soon, but the bow accepted you as it's yielder and i know you're ready.

don't doubt yourself, don't lose your spirit, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't do it, not even yourself.

be the little warrior i saw when you were eight, protect your people.

i love you so much and i'll see you at the ceremony,

mama xxx

p.s hi tony, not dead.

i stare at the letter for a moment after i finish reading. i suppose she's right, if there ever was a time to be timid it's certainly not now. dad takes a few deep breaths after reading it and i rest my head on him until he calms.

"so this is where you were, when i was in a cave?" he asks humorously.

"yep, either here or in the gym or fencing room with my brothers and saturn.. though usually i was with thor and loki".

there's a beat before he speaks again "so this ceremony.. makes you a goddess?".

"kind of" i screw up my face as i try to work out how to explain it "i'm already a goddess.. but not really of anything. most people are assigned something at birth but i wasn't born on asgard and you didn't know. this will make me goddess and guardian of earth".

he nods slowly but our conversation is cut off there because saturn walks in "ready?".

"as i'll ever be" i lift my chin to hold my head high, i'm not backing down now. if this is how it's meant to be, then this is how i'll play it.

dad smacks me on the back, a little too hard because it hurts but he doesn't notice over his beaming pride "that's my girl".

saturn does my hair again, the same as my eighth birthday party. the top of my hair is braided to look like a crown with flowers interwoven. the rest tumbles around me in natural curls. i'm wearing a white dress which flows around me, no shoes because apparently that's how they do things here. i would like to be wearing my yellow converse but i don't think it would sit right with the old guys.

dad was taken off by thor to hide in the crowd somewhere before i enter, so i walk with my siblings to the great hall.

"nice bow" mars notes as we near the wide doors.

"have you only just noticed it?" i laugh, unsure as to how the gleaming weapon has escaped his eye thus far.

he shrugs "there's a whole lot different about you since last time i'm still getting used to the antlers".

i mimic his shrug "i'm still getting used to it all myself".

we pause outside the hall, knowing full well that once inside there's no backing out.

"you got this, right? it'll all be okay" saturn rubs my back gently.

i nod, spreading my wings out behind me and making sure my antlers are poking through my hair "i'm ready, though i can't help but feel that this is highly ironic, booting off a woman who birthed a hybrid for her hybrid daughter to take over".

venus laughs "i think you'll last a whole lot longer than mum, you're more headstrong already".

i flick my curls over my shoulders "someone has to get me through this and who's more suited to the job than me? you can't get let down relying on yourself".

"go get 'em, we'll be watching from the sidelines" mars gives my back a gentle push.

"geez this feels like a wedding" i mumble as the doors swing slowly open to reveal the hall, packed with people. all eyes are on me and it's highly uncomfortable.

"nobody better kiss the bride" mars mutters back and i have to stifle a giggle as we walk forwards.

we walk in a diamond formation, i'm at the front with my bow in hand, mars and venus slightly behind and either side, saturn directly behind me.

when we make it halfway towards the front they walk off into the crowd to sit down. i'm alone from then on.

there are murmurs and whispers as i walk slowly towards the front of the room and i pick up on a few.

"isn't she just gorgeous?"

"she's absolutely charming"

"look at those wings"

"darling little girl"

"she looks too little to be a guardian"

i refrain from rolling my eyes at that last comment, it's not about my age it's about my abilities. granted, i'm slightly lacking in them but i'm sure i'll make it. the power will follow, that's what thor said.

i know the drill, someone was coronated whilst i was here last time and it's not the kind of event that you forget.

as i reach the end of the red carpet i kneel down, bowing my head before looking up at those in front of me. odin, frigga, thor, and mom. i almost frown at loki's absence, recalling the images that flashed in front of my eyes when i saw thor's hammer in new mexico, but i force myself to keep neutral.

the ceremony is long and tedious and i can't help but think about how heavy the bow would be in my arms if it had any weight to me at all. they'd surely be dropping off by now.

the real exciting bit is when odin brings the crown.

it matches my bracelet, silver intricately designed leaves in a simplistic yet beautiful wreath. once placed upon my head, it seems to morph to the right size until it feels as though it has always belonged there.

"i hereby pronounce you astraea nova goddess and guardian of earth".

words that i suppose changed how the rest of my life played out.

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