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tony stark is haunted.

he's haunted by the knowledge that he left his child in pain, that he most likely caused that pain, that he didn't do anything to stop it.

he's haunted by the image of her screaming whilst held by pepper potts, blood streaming down her blotchy cheeks and soaking her clothes.

he's haunted by the evident pain in her eyes, the silent cries for help that accompanied her raw voice.

no matter how much he tries to distract himself, it's always there.

he's sat in a donut, eating a donut, in his ironman suit.

any distraction right now, he'll gladly take. he knows deep down that he doesn't have long until his time runs out and he doesn't want his kid to be there to watch him go. he couldn't handle seeing her in pain again.

"sir! i'm gonna have to ask you to exit the donut"

he almost has to laugh as he lowers his sunglasses to peer at the dark figure beneath him. nick fury is intimidating, that being the only word really to describe him in all accuracy. there's just something about him, something unsettling. he's clever, that tony knows for sure, and he knows exactly what he's doing.

this isn't a thought that comforts the billionaire, often those who know what they're doing are those who cause him trouble and he doesn't have time for that currently.

that's why it isn't completely uplifting that he ends up sat opposite him at the table inside, coffee in hand.

the mocking gaze of the director is really getting under his skin, he can't even begin to imagine how much more unpleasant it would be if the man possessed two eyes.

"i told you i don't wanna join your super-secret boy band" he grumbles, taking a sip out of the paper cup and placing it back down on the table.

"no no no. see, i remember you do everything yourself" the man mocks some more "hows that working out for you?".

tony shifts uncomfortably, already feeling like humiliated child who's being told off for not playing nicely "it's.. it's... its.. i'm sorry i don't wanna get off on the wrong foot. do i look at the patch or the eye? honestly i'm a bit hung over. i'm not sure if you're even real or if i'm having-"

"i am very real. i'm the realest person you're ever going to meet".

the silence is palpable as they lock eyes for a long moment.

"just my luck" tony grumbles before turning his head "where's the staff here?".

and that's when nick fury gets the opportunity to see the toxic rash spreading it's way through tony's skin.

"that's not looking too good" he almost winces as he examines the dark pattern.

"i've been worse".

he's so distracted that he doesn't even notice the attractive woman making her way across the tiled flooring "you and your daughter are more similar than i first picked up on" she muses before turning to her real boss "we've secured the perimeter but i don't think we should hold it for too much longer".

tony stark is stunned into silence, a phenomenon which doesn't occur all too often. peering over the top of his glasses, he forces up two pathetic words in contrast to his usual daring sarcastic quips "you're fired".

the shield agent, known to him as natalie, rolls her eyes and sits next to fury at the table "that's not up to you".

"tony, i want you to meet agent romanoff".

"rosalie was right" the words fall out of his mouth as the thought hits him. he called her a problem but she was right.

the red nods "she's a partially clever kid".

"what do you mean partially? what did you say about her before? where's my kid?" panic begins to set  in his stomach with the realisation that he actually has no idea where his daughter is, let alone if she's even alive. oh god she'd better be alive.

"rosalie has spent the night with romanoff and another trusted agent".

rosie's p.o.v

"isn't dad going to be mad?" i raise an unsure eyebrow at the scene in front of me "i feel as though i should've asked him".

recently, my dad has been more unpredictable and impulsive than ever and so my gut instinct right now is that this is the worst idea anyone had ever had.

"if your dad isn't around then he doesn't get a say. this is for your birthday, not his" the agent places a steady hand firmly on my shoulder.

i'm still not convinced "but mr coulson, i really don't feel as though i can get away with this for long. a necklace, sure... but a dog?" i close my eyes and try to imagine a scenario in which i manage to keep this under wraps "no definitely not" i decide with a sigh.

"look kid, i have a bow and arrow, phil has a taser, you have hands that fry people, his only option is yes" a grin spreads across clint's face and i giggle.

"i don't want to kill my daddy" then i pause "but he'll kill me if i take a dog back".

"like phil said, not up to him, you deserve this"

i look at the bundle of fur in front of me, my hands still smoothing out his fluffy ears.

neoptolemus is a husky cross collie, and i'm in love with him. last night, i slept in a spare room at clint's house, and neo cuddled with me. it was comforting, because in all of this chaos and panic it kind of feels like i'm alone. not anymore.

laura said that he was a stray they found in the barn and that they've had him checked over but can't keep him. seeing as i took to him, clint suggested that he should be mine.

the dog stares up at me with big brown eyes and i melt "okay".

clint grins and phil seems relieved.

"right, well, you'd better get going then short stack" clint places a hand on my back and looks over to phil "i think your dad is wanting you back".

i bite my lip "does he know?".

he shakes his head in response "no, not yet, but no more hiding things you" he nudges me and i smile as i stumble to keep my balance.

mr coulson helps me put my backpack on and i give clint and laura a hug before i leave.

it's funny how i didn't know at the time what a big part of my life they'd be.

little piece of heaven (tony stark's daughter)Where stories live. Discover now