Top 10 Kaiju/Monsters in Movie, Anime, Etc.

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A/N: Let's kick things off with a Big Bang, and being out the monsters of the big/silver/small screens!!!


Kaiju: the Japanese word for "strange creature". In English, it can mean "monster" or "giant monster", referring to any creature of a large size seen in movies.

Over the course of time, and what could be since the 1950's, there have been well-over 100 movies with giant monsters, creatures, or beings that would make us scream, shout, and cheer in either fear, horror, anticipation, and uproar for what could come their way.

And today, we're gonna take a look at my favourite top 10 Kaiju/Monsters from Movie/Anime/TV, and other such media. This is all my personal opinion, so if you have your own opinions regarding the selection, then very well. Let us begin!!!!

10. Skullcrawlers (Kong: Skull Island)

These creatures really took me by surprise when I first saw this film

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These creatures really took me by surprise when I first saw this film. I thought I've never seen such a unique yet interesting creature before. I mean, the directors and special effects teams doing the film really had their work cut out when creating these creatures. It certainly beats the Vastatosaurus Rexes from Peter Jackson's 'King Kong'. No offence to those who like that film.

The Skullcrawlers are large reptilian creatures with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. They have long and slender, yet muscular, sturdy bodies. Several aspects of their appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly their torsos and their heads. What appear to be the "eye sockets" of their skull-like heads are merely empty fenestrae: their real eyes are set much further back, with the fenestrae perhaps serving to distract enemies from their more vulnerable eyes and acting as heat-seeking sensory pits. The colouration of their scales range from dark brown to dark green to a bone white. Their heads closely resemble those of the Mosasaur species such as the Tylosaurus, and their jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth. The Skullcrawlers have four digits in total of each hand, with the thumb being the smallest digit and the rest of the digits being larger and of the same size, and a prominent bony spike protrudes out of each of their elbows. The thorny, toothlike structures of their inner mouths somewhat resemble that of a leatherback turtle's. Additionally, they have long, prehensile triple-forked tongues that they can use to grab their prey. Skullcrawler adolescents are easily distinguishable from adult skullcrawlers. Their heads are smaller, and more sloped than an adult. They also possess a more prominently brown skin tone. Adult skullcrawlers are larger, with most being as big as Kong. Their heads are more defined, larger, and somewhat angled.

What I find fascinating and very interesting about these creatures is that, for what I could best describe as a two-legged snake with a skull armoured head, it seems to be something you don't want to mess with in a dark alley, especially if it could sneak up on you without even making a sound. That actually makes me get goosebumps.

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