Chapter 33~ Go Get Fixed

Start from the beginning

"Away from all the reminders of Darin, Railin, Kenny, Kilee, & all the other bullshit that I don't know about. Please don't cry anymore. I'll never ever forget about you. Come back when you are better. Don't rush it. I want you all the way fixed so YOU can be happy. I love you Hayden." He says & a tear slowly falls down his cheek.

"I love you too." I say & I pull him back in for another hug.

After a few moments I'm crying all over again.

"You're going to miss your flight if you don't go now." Nick whispers to me.

I nod. "I guess I have to go." I say & pull back.

"I love you Nicky-Pie." I say & give him a smile.

He chuckles. "I love you too, Haydi-Poo." He says and kisses my forehead.

We pull back, both teary eyed.

Someone clears their throat. I turn & see Caden standing in the doorway with my carry on & his.

"We should probably get going in a few minutes." He says.

I nod. "Yeah. We don't want to be late." I say & turn back to Nick. "Is Ronnie going to come say goodbye to me?" I ask.

"He should be here. I don't know where he is." He says with a sigh.

I give a reassuring smile. "We can wait a few minutes." I say.

It takes only moments of waiting before Ronnie runs through the door screaming, "Oh god did I miss it? Is she still here? Where is she?"

Nick & Caden laugh. "She's right here man." Nick says.

Ronnie looks around the kitchen & when he finds me he runs over & scoops me up in his arms.

I start to laugh when he tickles me. "Stop. Ronnie! Don't tickle me!" I scream & cry out with laughter.

"I have to tickle you while I can. You're leaving for like ever." He says with a sad expression.

I give him a sad smile. "I'll be back soon, Ronald. No need to stress." I say and pat his shoulder.

He scowls at me, but it's playful. "Don't call me Ronald." He says with gritted teeth.

I laugh at him trying to be serious. He looks like a little kid being all angry & pouty like that.

"Stop laughing!" He yells with annoyance, but starts laughing too.

I try to control my laughter. "Ronnie you're fucking hilarious dude. You were so serious & shit." I say & bust out laughing again.

"Stop laughing or I'll tickle you again." He threatens.

My laughter stops immediately. I glare at him. "You wouldn't." I say.

He laughs at me & gets serious. "Oh I would." He says playfully.

I bring my hands to my face in fake horror. "Oh no! What ever will I do?" I cry.

"Ok drama queen. Chill out." He says with a laugh.

I slap his arm lightly. "Jerk." I mutter.

"Shut up and hug me." He says & pulls me in.

I hug him back tightly. He's just like another brother. I already have 2 & he is Nick's best friend so he was around a lot. He might be 7 seven years older, but he's a pretty funny guy. When Caden was 13 he left for private school. He's a fucking genius, but I didn't understand. I was only 10. I didn't want him to leave. Ronnie saw how sad I was so he took on the roll of fun brother. Nick was always stressed about money & stuff because he was saving to get us a place when he turned 18 because he would get custody of Caden & I. He wasn't much fun & he didn't have time to play, but Ronnie would come over & play so he always feel like family.

"I'm going to miss you so much, Hay Stack." He whispers.

I chuckle when he uses the nickname he gave me.

"Shut up, Ronald McDonald." I whisper back.

He gasps. "I'm not a clown!" He whines.

"Coulda fooled me." I retort.

"Oh that's it. I'm leaving. Bye have fun in Chicago." He says & starts to pull away from our hug.

My hands react instantly. I grab him & pull him back. "No! Just a few more moments! Please! Hug me! I love you!" I beg & give him puppy dog eyes.

He smiles at me & pulls me back in for another hug. "That's what I thought." He whispers.

I smack his arm. "Jerk." I say, but smile.

We release from our hug & I can feel the tears threatening to escape me. I blink rapidly to hold them in.

He gives me a small smile. "Now Hay Stack it's ok to cry. I know I'm awesome so it's ok. You can cry. I won't judge." He says quietly.

I laugh halfheartedly. "Yeah cause you're just the greatest." I say sarcastically.

"Yep." He says & pops the "p" sound.

"God your ego is huge. Well I have to go now so I guess this is goodbye." I say & frown.

"It'll be fine. We will skype & text & everything. You'll get sick of me Hay Stack. Don't worry about it." He says.

"Ok." I say & I wave a goodbye.

Caden hands me my bag & I give everyone another hug before walking out the door. With one more look at my home we are gone & driving to the airport in a flash.


A single tear falls down my cheek & I turn away from my home, pull out my headphones, & shut out the world.


Well I guess the next update will be tomorrow, but it might be small because I have some small ideas. Maybe I can make it longer. I will be updating tomorrow though. Yay! :)

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