Chapter 5~ Late Night Frights

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I wake up the next morning and Darin is gone. I sit up and look around the room frantically.

He isn't there. Where is he?

"Darin?... Darriinn!!!??" I scream. He isn't answering.

I run into the hallway and I check the bathroom and his sisters' room. He isn't in there either. I go to Nick's room and he is gone too.

Now I start really panicking. "Darrrriiinnnnnn?!!!!!!!!!!" I scream as loud as I can.

No answer. I run downstairs. I check the kitchen and the dinning room. I run to the living room and I don't notice anything at first. Then I see him.

He's unconscious on the living room floor. I run up to him and start to cry. "Darin? Darin, don't be dead. Don't be dead. Don't be dead PLEASE." I say as I start to cry.

Nick pulls up in his Ford pickup. He comes in and asks me what's wrong.

I show him Darin and he tells me what Ronnie, his best friend and basically my brother, did.

"Ronnie found you guys upstairs, he was coming to tell you good night and he sees this guy in your bed so he brought him downstairs and knocked him out after a few punches. I tried to stop him, but it wasn't happening. I am so sorry Hay. I shoulda made him stop." He says.

I hesitate. "He isn't like severely hurt though right?" I ask worriedly looking at Darin's bloody nose.

"No Ronnie only threw 2 and a half punches. He fell on his ass trying to throw the third because he was kinda drunk." He says.

I exhale. "Thank god." I say. "When do you think he will wake up?" I ask anxiously.

"Soon, Ronnie only punched him 2 hours ago so he should wake up anytime. Hey why was he sleeping in bed with you anyway?" He asks.

I hesitate because I have to choose my words carefully.

"Well I wanted him to be comfortable because I figured that he would have a tough enough time sleeping with everything that happened, and he said that there was no sense of me sleeping on the floor when the bed is big enough for both of us." I say.

Nick pauses to consider this then he nods. "Yeah, that makes sense." He says.

I look down at Darin and he has opened his eyes. I kneel down to him and rest his head in my lap. I hold his face in my hands and ruffle his hair. I start to cry again.

"Hayden? Hayden don't cry. I'm ok." Says Darin.

"Here buddy lets get you upstairs." Says Nick as he carefully picks Darin up and takes him to my room.

He sets Darin down on the bed and motions for me to go in the hall.

Ok this is weird. I hope it's nothing bad.

"What's up?" I ask, confused.

"You need to make sure he heals properly ok." He says.

"I will make sure he does." I say confidently.

"I'm serious, no bull shit. You have to make sure he's alright." He says.

He seems scared.

"I will. I promise." I say.

What is going on?

"Hey Nick what's wrong?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "Nothing sweetie." He replies.

I don't believe him for a second.

"Listen if you're worried about Ronnie I promise Darin isn't going to do anything to him. I swear he won't." I plead.

I really don't want Darin to have to leave.

"I just don't want anymore bull shit. So much has happened and I just want everyone to be happy." He says.

"Ok we will be happy." I say.

"I gotta go to work. I'll see you in a few hours. Hey make sure you guys get to school on time." Nick says.

"Alright love you, bye." I say as I give him a hug.

He walks out, starts the car, and he's gone.

I walk back into my room with a puzzled look on my face. Darin is already fast asleep. I groan as I look at the time.

Ugh we have school in four hours. At least I woke up when I did because an alarm wasn't set and we wouldn't have been woken in time for school.

I set an alarm and walk back to the bed. I snuggle under the covers with Darin. He puts an arm around me and I kiss his cheek.

It takes me almost 20 minutes to get back to sleep. I guess I'm really shaken up about what happened to Darin. I finally got my mind of it a drift back into a deep, blissful sleep.


Hey guys! Sorry for the really short chapter! The next one is going to be pretty long and I had to set something's up for later on.

Anyway how was Chapter 5 of "You're All I Need"? Did Ronnie overreact? What was wrong with Nick? How will Darin feel in the morning? Let me know!

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