Helping The Competition

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The cover picture is from a youtube video of Jennie and Jisoo actually playing basketball...Jisoo was pretty good at mid shots...Jennie...well...just google them playing and the video should appear.


You opened the door for Jennie which she thanked you for and followed her out.

You looked out and saw wet spots were the rain must have been, the sky was cloudy, but no rain.

"So, what can I help you with?" You asked.

She turned around and looked at you.

"First off, thanks for actually agreeing to talk to me. I know it sounded shady in there. I would have brought the Twice girls too, but I didn't want them to listen to what I have to say." She said in English, which caught you off guard.

"Yes, I'm fluent in it." She said as she looked at your shocked face. "But we can talk Korean if you want?"

"Oh...English is okay and no worries about talking alone." You said in English.

", yesterday when we spoke...did you really considered us?" She said looking right into your eyes.

"Of course I did, I had a lot of offers and I narrowed it down some, including your group and Twice."

You pretty much had Twice locked in since Sun read their name from the offers, but you weren't going to say that to Jennie.

She nodded.

"I bet it was difficult, when Red Velvet told us they had wanted you...well we pretty much knew that other major groups would be wanting you as well." She said, but her tone softened at the end.

"So wh-"

"Is there no way to change your mind?" She asked. "Coaching us instead?"

Your eyes widened a bit.

"I know it's wrong to ask, but we, not just me, the others as well, we've been watching you and Twice through their V live and I know it's been only four days, but you're teaching them well...and even having fun with them...especially with the match you all had."

"And we wish we would have one of those days."

"Wait...are you not getting taught?" You asked.

"We's just...the person we have...he's not you per say."


"He's terrible...really pathetic and strict."

"But, you said you had someone decent yesterday?"

"I lied...I didn't want anyone else to learn about it...but yesterday something happened and I made the plan to come here."

"Well what about your manager, surely she's doing something." You asked.

(AN- I don't know who their's or Red Velvet's manager is. So I'm just going to make them and RV's girls to make it an all girl thing, but if it is a guy then I'll change it)

"Ours and theirs are trying to find another person, but no one is available or accepting right now."

"Really? No one wants to teach both BlackPink and Red Velvet, together." You said grinning.

"I know right." She smiled a bit, but it went away. "No, the ones they find keep saying their busy 'planning' with their own teams at the moment or enjoying their summer break. Excuses. Probably won't think they'll get anything out of this tournament more like it. I'm sure the only reason our coach is here is because of the pay."

From Coach To Lover (M Reader x Twice)Where stories live. Discover now