I Could Get Used To This

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Since you were now going to live here and there weren't any rooms left since the four were occupied by the girls and their manager, who seemed unpleased with the idea. I mean a guy living with 9 girls...she didn't know what their boss was thinking. You seemed nice though and the girls are fans of you, but she didn't know you well so she'll keep an eye on you for the time being.

So with no rooms available, you went straight to the couch in the living room until something came up. You didn't have much so that was good. Only clothes, travel items (toothbrush, deodorant), and your journal. 

Most would call it diary, but journal sounds better to you. It wasn't for writing everyday things, but important events. The latest entry was winning the charity match. You didn't let anyone read this since mostly it was private thoughts that you didn't want to say to anyone. 

Now you were sitting on the couch, while the other members were all around the living room looking at you.

"...so JYP told you...to live with us?" Sana asked as you nodded.

"I know I know, it seems out there, but that's what he said to me after confirming to coach you girls. I tried to decline since I didn't want to be a bother to you girls and your privacy, but he wouldn't have it any other way." You said looking at her and the others as they gave off a soft smiles to you.

"Hey don't be thinking that way (YN)." Sana spoke up as you looked at her in question.

"So...you don't care if I'm here?" 

"Well, it's sudden, but it'll be like having a tenth member." Dahyun spoke up said and everyone nodded.

"Oh with my dancing skills, you most certainly do not want that." You said and they slightly giggled. "but what about your V-live and fans?"

"What about them?" Jeongyeon asked.

"Won't they be, I don't know, weirded out?" You asked as the girls looked around.

"I'm sure they'll understand." Nayeon spoke up as the rest nodded.

"Why...do you not want to be seen with us?" Chaeyoung said with a sad look. 

You cursed yourself.

"Oh no Chaeyoung I-I didn't mean it like that. No, I'm sorry. Please don't be sad." You stood up and went to hug her to comfort her out of instant as the rest of the girls just stared at you and her.




Then Chaeyoung started to laugh. 

You looked confused and pulled away to see her laughing and looking up at you with a soft smile.

"I was just kidding (YN)....although, I didn't think you were going to hug me." 

"Hey, I honestly thought I hurt you Chaeyoung." You said seriously.

Her smile dropped.

"I'm dorry (YN), that was stupid of me to do." She said as you shook your head.

"Don't say that Chaeyoung. You can never be stupid." She looked at you and smiled with a faint blush. 

You realized you were still holding onto her and let go immediately, with a blush of your own.

Everyone else was just giving you a smirk.

"Sorry." You looked around. 

"Think nothing of it (YN), nothing at all." Jihyo said, "but honestly we don't care if our fans questioned us. You're coaching us now so we'll just tell them that." She finished and everyone else nodded.

From Coach To Lover (M Reader x Twice)Where stories live. Discover now