A Busy Day

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Your alarm went off on your phone and you slowly woke up. Your eyes adjusting themselves, as you heard the alarm and you quickly turned it off before anyone else woke up. 

'Alright getting there.' 

You were still adjusting to the time over here since waking up now is like 3 in the afternoon where you were. You woke up yesterday early too due to the incident with Nayeon and Tzuyu. 

This time you had your phone alarm set up and placed it near your head for you to wake up sooner and on your own.

It was difficult the first four days of being here, but now you're getting a bit into the zone. You were still tired, but you had to persevere it. 

It's now been a week since you landed here in Seoul and now your third day living with Twice. 

You'll admit, it's still a shock. I mean living with your favorite celebrities will do that. But over time it's becoming more of a fraternity/sorority house. 

'Something like that.'


You look over at your phone which lit up and vibrated. You picked it up to see Sun's ID on a text.

Hello (YN), I know we haven't talked in a while. Just making sure you're doing all right and hope that you're doing well with Twice. 

'Surprise she even has time to talk to me since the games are starting soon. Must have her hands full.' You thought to yourself.

Don't worry. I'm doing fine. Thanks.

You put down the phone for a 10 seconds and sure enough she responded again.

That's good. Remember the registration for the Olympics is in four days. I'm pretty sure Mr. Park will have that information for you. Take care.

You nodded as you read the text and placed your phone down. You then got up from your couch and retrieved your toothbrush and toothpaste. 

You went to the bathroom closest to you and proceeded to do your morning routines. 

You stepped out only to find someone sitting on the couch where you were. 

You went closer to see Sana sitting there looking at her phone. She looked over and waved at you.

"Sana?" You whispered. "Sorry, did I woke you up?"

She shook her head.

"No, I was up already in my bed waiting for the others to wake up. I just heard you go into the bathroom when you closed the door so I thought I'd come down here."

"My bad."

"It's fine (YN). So why are you up so early?" She asked.

You then sat down near you as she looked at you.

"Just getting used to the times here. Normally it would be 3 in the afternoon where I'm from, but I'm getting used to the times here."

"You must be tired then."

"Well not totally tired, but like I said, getting used to it." 

She nodded at your statement.

"By the way, who buys your food?"

"Our manager-eonni, but she's been busy lately so she hasn't had the time to get stuff." She responded.

"Hmm..." you hummed as you got your phone and started to google.

From Coach To Lover (M Reader x Twice)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora