|forty six|

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I'll keep on fighting for you.

“Jimin...” Was the first thing Yoongi said when he woke up.

His voice was raspy, and so dry. His lips were cracked, and he could barely breathe. He remembers waking up to a blinding light, and the sound of a machine beeping, and to whistling.

His heartrate monitor started going nuts, and the next thing he knew, Seokjin was poking his head out of the private bathroom attached to the room (the man didn't even bother to close the door since he thought that Yoongi wouldn't wake up the day he decides to, well, not close the bathroom door). “Oh man holy shit!” Jin exclaimed, quickly finishing up and washing his hands before rushing out of the room. “Nurse? Doctor? Somebody, he's waking up!” Jin exclaimed, running back in to Yoongi. “Yoongi!” Jin had trouble fighting back tears. Yoongi saw Jin and smiled gently, everything feeling weird.

“H-hyung? What...What's going on? Where's Jimin? Is he...Is he in America?” He started hyperventilating just as the nurses rushed in to help. Jin stood back a bit.

“No! No, he stayed for you! I'll call him right now!” Jin said as the nurses pushed him out, a brighter than the sun smile on his handsome face. He immediately dialled Jimin (technically Yoongi, since Jimin had taken Yoongi's phone as his own because it gave him some kind of comfort). Jin never calls Jimin; they've agreed that he'd rather face-time Jimin if they needed to talk, because if he only called Jimin, then Jimin knew it was something to do with Yoongi and he needed to answer immediately.

As expected, Jimin answered within the first three rings. “Hyung, what's up? Got new test results back?” Jimin was out of breath. He was probably busy with practical work, learning some or other new dance he'd want to show Jin and break something in the process.

“Jimin, you need to get here. Right now.” Jin laughed that windshield-wiper-laugh. “He... He asked for you.”

The line was quiet for ten seconds as Jimin processed the information. “He...he woke up?”


“I'm on my way.”

It took Jimin half an hour to get to the hospital. The longest half an hour of his life. He looked like shit. His hair was dyed a dark blue colour, but his bleached roots were still showing because he had to dye it himself. He was sweaty and wearing his dance clothes. He didn't even have time to put on something else. He had a pimple on his chin. He had bags under his eyes.

Just before Jin had called, another guy had been busy flirting with Jimin. No matter how many times Jimin shot the guy down, he just wouldn't stop. Jimin had given him every excuse before: “I'm interested in someone else.” “I have a boyfriend back in Busan.” “I'm engaged.” until Jimin finally told the truth. “My boyfriend is in a coma,” and just that morning, the guy replied with “And what if he doesn't wake up?”

Jimin hadn't known how to answer. Everything was riding on Yoongi waking up. Jimin knew that if the worst happened, Yoongi would have wanted Jimin to move on. The thing is, Jimin didn't know if he would ever be ready to move on. He celebrated both his and Yoongi's birthday in that hospital room. He brought Yoongi roses for Valentines day. His Christmas gift was in his closet. Jimin enjoyed a meal of chicken nuggets and fries with sparkling grape juice in that hospital room when their one year anniversary rolled around. Jimin's coping mechanism was Yoongi. A few times, he had almost lost Yoongi, and he had been so scared, but he knew in his heart that Yoongi would wake up.

Jimin was on the train when he saw that Jin informed everyone on the group chat that Yoongi had woken up. They all said that they were on their way immediately, but Jin insisted that it was Jimin's time with Yoongi first and the rest would have to come by the next day.

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