|twenty two|

505 28 8

His hand in his,
He became his tomorrows


Yoongi didn't return the kiss as enthusiastically as Jimin had initiated it. Yoongi held Jimin by his waist, kissing gently to let him know. Jimin pulled away, pouting slightly when he saw the older man's eyebrow cocked up. "What was that about?" Yoongi asked, letting go of Jimin and walking to the corner of the small balcony to light his cigarette. Jimin stood against the railing, looking at the city beneath him.

"My mom just wanted to know where I am. She's just worried," Jimin smiled at Yoongi, who looked unconvinced. Jimin's smile faltered a bit and looked away, not wanting to tell Yoongi the whole story. He didn't want to tell Yoongi the truth, about how his mom called him worthless and how she's going to take his stepfather's side when he came home. Jimin was used to being a punching bag, both at home and at school, and he could deal with it. Yoongi will probably march over and punch Jimin's stepdad. Besides, it wasn't so bad.

"Text her and tell her I'll bring you home now. I anyways have to take Taekook home too. Shit, I mean Tae and Jungkook. Fucking shipnames." Yoongi shook his head, his elbows leaning on the balcony's railing, his head dangling between his arms. "She said something to upset you?"

Shit. Jimin sometimes forgets that his boyfriend is great with him. "She just sounded a bit worried, hyung. You know how mothers-..." Jimin immediately bit his lip, refusing to finish his sentence. He regretted saying that, knowing how Yoongi gets when it comes to the topic of mothers. Or rather, the topic of family in general. "My family is Namjoon and Jin. Fuck, even Hoseok. They're all I have. I don't need my mother, and my absent father was never a bother". Jimin looked at Yoongi with wide, sorry eyes, but Yoongi wasn't looking back at him.

"My mother never worried. Look what happened to me. I don't want to make your mom mad, not while you still have her." Yoongi said softly, his cigarette dangling between his two fingers.

If only he knew... Jimin thought. Well, he could tell Yoongi...but not tonight. Jimin walked over and embraced his boyfriend from behind, his arms holding unto him tightly. Yoongi sighed, killing the cigarette by pressing it down in an ashtray and turning around afterwards. He held unto Jimin, stroking his cotton candy hair. Jimin breathed in Yoongi's scent of menthol cigarettes, cheap cologne and coffee. His favourite smell in the world.

"I guess you're right, hyung..." Jimin took a deep breath and looked at Yoongi, smiling bright. Yoongi's face softened and he pecked his boyfriend's nose. Yoongi never kissed Jimin after smoking, even when Jimin says he wouldn't care and that kisses are kisses. Jimin and Yoongi then entered the livingroom again.

"Kids, we have to go take you home," Yoongi said, and that earned a pout from both Taehyung and Jungkook. Taehyung got up and pulled Jungkook up swiftly, and the three youngest bid farewell to their hyungs before exiting with Yoongi.

The drive back was quiet, with Taehyung and Jungkook sleeping in the back and Jimin scrolling through his Instagram while Yoongi's hand remained on Jimin's thigh (Yoongi has never been so thankful for automatic cars). Except for Jimin telling Yoongi about a lame meme every now and again, they didn't want to wake the sleeping babies in the back. However, after they had been dropped off, was when Jimin started becoming mischevious.

Jimin's hand was on Yoongi's thigh this time, but Yoongi didn't pay a lot of attention to it. Jimin must have just picked up on Yoongi's habit of wanting to hold the younger's thigh. "Hyung, can you take a longer route? I just want to drive around a little bit," Jimin asked innocently, his fingers running up and down Yoongi's jean-clad thigh. Yoongi nodded, deciding to drive through the sleepy neighbourhood. However, Jimin had other plans in mind.

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