
686 43 38

And as we own this
Night, I put your
Body to the test with mine.
This love was out of control,
Where did it go?


"Yoongi! So good to see you!" Jihoon exclaimed, holding his arms open wide. Yoongi ducked away, holding his hand in front of his lighter as he tried to light his smoke. Jihoon pouted and followed Yoongi. "Yoongi, no need to be so mean to me! I just want to talk, that's all," the tall man said.

Yoongi shook his head, turning around to face him. "You know what? Fuck you, Jihoon!" Yoongi said with his cigarette clenched between his teeth as he held both middle fingers up to Jihoon. Yoongi turned back around.

He felt a hand grab his wrist and pull him back. Yoongi rolled his eyes and turned to face Jihoon. "Is that any way to talk to your daddy, little boy?" Jihoon grinned, and Yoongi bit his cigarette so hard that he completely ruined the bud. He spat it out and frowned at Jihoon.

"We broke up a long time ago. I'm never calling you, or anyone, daddy again. You fucking got me addicted, and for what? So that I would crawl back unto your lap whenever I needed another fix? No, fuck you. I'm clean now." Yoongi spat the words, his anger bubbling up in him.

Jihoon grinned. "Look who grew a pair. Why do we always argue when we see each other? Ah, I think it's because it made the sex better."

Yoongi turned away. "What do you even want? Like I said, I'm clean now. I'm done with that shit. I have a job, I have someone I care about now."

Yoongi knew it was a mistake as soon as he said that, but he hoped that Jihoon wouldn't mind the last thing Yoongi said.

"I just wanted to offer to buy you a drink sometime. Ah, non-alcoholic it seems. Come on, I just want to catch up," Jihoon said softly and seductively, his rough voice causing familiar feelings to rise up in his chest. All a sudden, Yoongi was eighteen again, and straddling Jihoon as he begged for another fix, saying he'd do anything to pay.

Yoongi shook his head, shaking the thoughts away. "That life is behind me, you're behind me, Jihoon. I was your little puppet, your little fuck-toy."

"The sex was good, though. And I never hurt you, not once. I just always did as you said," Jihoon pulled Yoongi against him, and Yoongi stepped back immediately.

"You're not the victim here, you sadistic shit! What could you possibly have to say to me?" Yoongi demanded, his voice becoming hoarse as the anger took hold of him.

"It has to do with your mom, Yoongi."

Yoongi quieted down. He knows his mom wanted nothing to do with him anymore. "Why the fuck would she talk to you?"

"You forget that our mothers used to know each other. It's a long story, but she told my mom something about you, but like I said: it's a long-ass story."

Yoongi ran his hand across his face, thinking about every way this might go wrong. "Fuck, okay. I'll unblock your number and we can text. Still have the same number?"

"Yes, but why don't we go out now?" Jihoon questioned.

Yoongi turned his head, ready to make up a shit reason, but then he heard a familiar voice from around the corner call out "Hyung?". Jihoon must have heard it too, because he turned his head in the direction of the sound.

"Because I have more important things to tend to now," Yoongi said as he walked off, into the alley-way next to the café.

Yoongi made sure Jihoon walked off, shrugging as he did so. He crept up slowly, looking down the alley first before registering what he was looking at. Yoongi's eyes widened and he ran towards the small body that laid in a foetal-position on the cold, hard ground. The boy was groaning, holding his stomach, making small crying sounds. "H-hyung, it hurts..." Jimin said in pain.

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