|thirty seven|

385 22 12

Kiss me on the mouth and set me free
But please don't bite

When Yoongi entered the apartment building, he was immediately met with a tense atmosphere. Yoongi knew the kind of vermin the apartment building was crawling with, and he knew what kinds of activities go on behind those walls. Yoongi knew that few of Jihoon's men knew of this apartment, and that there probably wouldn't be anyone to stop him. This was Jihoon's sanctuary, and he rarely let people inside.

Yoongi took the elevator, the overwhelming sense of foreboding, mixed with fear, causing a knot to form in his stomach and push up his throat. He never noticed how sweaty his hands were until he pressed the button in the elevator and his finger slipped off. He tsk'ed and wiped his hands on his jeans, forcing himself to put on a brave face. He made sure his phone was on silent and in his pocket, putting his GPS on for if anything happened.

When the elevator doors opened, he stepped out and walked down to Jihoon's apartment, knocking on the cheap wooden door. There was clear shuffling behind the door, as if Jihoon was hiding something, before a muffled "Who is there?" was heard directly behind the wooden door.

"It's me, open up, cunt," Yoongi knocked once more on the door, and he heard the movement of Jihoon's various locks as he opened up the door a little bit to peek through. His eyes looked small, and scared, and he didn't look completely high, neither completely sober. He was probably experimenting again. Yoongi sighed, knowing this was going to be a really tough encounter.

"Yoongi, what a nice surprise," Jihoon chuckled as he tried to present himself as his usual old self. He held the door open wide and Yoongi walked in, his hands in his pockets as he tried to keep his cool. The apartment smelled peculiar, but he decided to not question it. He just wanted the truth, and he just wanted to cut Jihoon off from him.

"Yeah, no, I don't have time for formalities. Give it to me straight: what's up with my mother?" Yoongi looked at Jihoon out of the corner of his eye and saw the buff man walk over to a table to pour some whiskey into a glass for himself. Yoongi didn't miss how shaky his hands were, and the amber liquid spilled over the rim of the glass to make a small pool at the base of the glass.

"Would you like something to drink? I think I still have some Fanta if you don't want something a bit stronger, heh. See, I care about you and your wishes, I really do," His voice was soft, and his focus was somewhere else. Yoongi frowned and stepped closer, not in the mood to beat around the bush.

"No bullshit, Jihoon. What's wrong with my mother? How can I contact her?" Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest, knowing full well that Jihoon was in the same mindset as he had been that last night together when he had basically begged at Yoongi's feet.

Jihoon was quiet as he downed the glass of whiskey, barely sparing a second to allow the drink to go down properly before he started pouring himself another glass. Yoongi grabbed the glass and the bottle out of his hands and slammed them down on the table behind him, glaring straight into Jihoon's eyes. Jihoon, though taller than Yoongi and bigger built, looked so scared at that moment that Yoongi almost felt sorry for him.

"Where. Is. My. Mother?" Yoongi asked through his clenched jaw, and Jihoon sighed before breaking eye contact with Yoongi. Yoongi knew that wasn't a good sign. He was hiding something.

"She's not in ICU." Jihoon whispered, his voice rough and gruffly and lost.


"Your mother isn't in ICU. She isn't sick. She isn't in need of medicine. She's fine, last time I heard. Living in Seoul. I'm not sure, my mom said she's working at a boutique or something. I can get her contact details if you want," Jihoon looked at Yoongi, his eyes wide and desperate. Desperate for affection, for love, for someone to save him the way Jimin had saved Yoongi, desperate for someone to rub his back while he went through his withdrawals, desperate for someone to give him his one month chip, desperate for his own family and his own lover.

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