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In your face is a galaxy.
I'm a child who likes looking at the stars.

"You know I was an addict?" Yoongi asked quietly, the shame creeping up his neck. Jimin let go of Yoongi's hand to hug him tightly. Yoongi actually hated skinship, but if it was from Jimin, then he didn't mind. "How?"

"I overheard you talking about it with Jin-hyung. It's okay, though. I'm proud of you, hyung, for being clean for so long. You're so strong, and so brave."

Fuck, Min Yoongi, don't cry, don't go crying now.

"Hyung? Hyung don't cry!" Jimin hugged Yoongi tighter, burying his face into his neck. Yoongi wiped his tears away, wrapping his arms around Jimin, pressing his fingers into his back.

"Fuck, my face is melting..." Yoongi sighed. "I just... Haven't heard those words in a while," Yoongi whispered, pressing his face into Jimin's pink hair. He smelled the coconut shampoo the boy used. "Jin-hyung, he says he's proud of me but...but I can see he's a bit tired of me. He loves me, and I love him a lot, but I can see that I'm a burden to him," Yoongi admitted, feeling the walls in his heart slowly crumbling.

Jimin was an earthquake, causing the very foundation of Yoongi's soul to crumble and shake. With each giggle, with each laugh, with each lingering stare, with each touch, came another shake, came another wave of uncertainty and pain and pleasure that confused Yoongi. He's never met someone as innocent as Jimin before, and that scared him.

He's never met someone who looked up to him so much, who saw both what made him beautiful and what made him ugly, and accepted both sides of him. Jimin's been around during Yoongi's bad days, as well as his good days, and he's never once changed his attitude towards his hyung. He kept on telling Taehyung and Jungkook about how cool his hyung is, and how happy he is to be working with him, and even when Yoongi would be scolding Jimin and yelling at him, Jimin would still smile and apologize.

Yoongi felt at home in Jimin's arms, and that's something he has never felt before. There he was, crying his eyes out for the first time in years, and Jimin wasn't judging. Jimin was rubbing his back, singing to him softly, while Yoongi finally released all of the pain he's been holding in for the past few months. Yes, he doesn't know Jimin that well and yes, it was probably because it was very late and Yoongi was tired and sexually frustrated and craving something, anything, but at that very moment neither of the boys cared about the circumstances. They only cared about the person in their arms.

Yoongi finally calmed down, sitting back and wiping the tears from his eyes. "Fuck me," Yoongi groaned, hating the feeling he felt after crying. Jimin giggled softly, wiping a few tears from his own eyes.

"Hyung, I'm still a virgin, but if you insist~..." Jimin giggled loudly at Yoongi's expression, his eyes wide and his one eyebrow cocked up.

"You're not as innocent as I thought you were, huh?" Yoongi chuckled, pulling Jimin down with him as they both laid down on the bed, their legs intertwining and their arms wrapped around each other. "And I could tell you were gay from the moment I laid my eyes on you, stupid."

Jimin giggled shyly, burying his face into Yoongi's chest. "Oh my God, you're the worst. Is that why you're always flirting with me?"

After 2am, a person should just go to sleep.

"I'm always flirting with you, because of how cute you are."

After 2am, you stop whatever you're doing and you climb into bed.

"Yet you never go further than flirting, hyung. It's annoying..." Jimin smirked sexily, Yoongi liking this new side of Jimin.

After 2am, you never make rash decisions. After 2am, your brain stops working properly.

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