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People generally see what
they look for,
and hear what they
listen for.

There was something about Jimin that caused a strange stirring in Yoongi's heart.

Yoongi thought the kid was attractive, sure, but it was after he saw the scars on Jimin's arm and the stretchmarks on his bicep that caused him to finally see Jimin for more than an annoying younger colleague. He saw the marks of Jimin's pain.

It took a small, pink-haired boy to make Yoongi realize that maybe he should start coming out of his bubble more.

That's why he had decided to attend an Addicts Anonymous-meeting for the first time in a while. This time, however, he had asked Jin and Namjoon to stay at home and that he'd be fine on his own. The two were wary to trust Yoongi on his own, but Yoongi had assured them that they could trust him at this point. He wasn't even insulted by their lack of trust. That's the main reason why Yoongi lived with Namjoon and Jin: they didn't think he was ready to be on his own yet.

Yoongi walked into the small, plain room with the faded cream walls and worn-out brown carpet. Chairs were arranged in a circle in the middle of the room, and a stand with snacks stood in the back of the room. Yoongi lifted the hood from his head and let it drop. He saw a few familiar faces, and a few new faces. New faces were what hurt the most. Especially since they were starting to get younger and younger with each meeting.

Yoongi avoided the awkward small talk with the shaky people and took his seat, crossing his arms across his chest and waiting for the meeting to start. Somebody else entered the room, his smile as bright as the sun. When he saw Yoongi, his smile became even brighter.

“Yoongi-hyung!” An excited voice called out as the person walked to Yoongi.

“Hoseok?” Yoongi looked at Hoseok as he bended down in front of Yoongi. He took Yoongi's hands, but Yoongi retracted his hands and lifted an eyebrow at Hoseok. “I want to say that it's good to see you, but your smile is blinding me a bit.”

Hoseok giggled and stood up, taking a seat next to Yoongi while simultaneously pushing his chair closer to Yoongi's. “You look good, hyung! You've gained weight, and your hair colour is acceptable this time!” Yoongi slapped Hoseok's arm, and he pouted while rubbing his arm.”Mean. But you do look good.”

Yoongi smiled a ghost of a smile. He looked at Hoseok, with his dirty blond hair and kind eyes. “You look even better. University life is doing you good, I see.”

“Yepp! Soon, I'll be a back-up dancer for all those big kpop bands! Just you wait and see!” He busted a move while sitting and Yoongi snorted.

“I'd like to see who hires a shmuck like you,” Yoongi joked and Hoseok rolled his eyes. He took hold of Yoongi's arms and shook him gently.

“You're gonna get a cramp in your ass tonight for being this mean, hyung.” Hoseok flicked Yoongi's forehead and Yoongi was just about to resort to drastic measures when the group leader entered the room. Hoseok sat back, smirking in triumph, and Yoongi just rolled his eyes.

“Hello, everyone. Welcome to tonight's meeting. We'd like to welcome all new members, and I'd personally like to say congratulations. This is the first step towards your recovery.” The leader smiled kindly, and some people applauded. Yoongi clapped along, forcing himself to stay awake and not point out every time someone spouts bullshit.

While the leader continued to talk about the hardships and the pain that goes along with triumph, Hoseok leaned closer to Yoongi to whisper to him. “So, what made you decide to come to a meeting for once in your life?”

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