|twenty three|

478 31 7

With one long kiss
He drew my soul from my lips
As sunlight drinketh dew


"Wait, what? You're grounded?" Yoongi asked as he held the phone to his ear properly, pausing his game to pay full attention to Jimin. Namjoon huffed angrily, but sat closer nonetheless, his curiosity too big. "Why? Because you were late last night?"

Jimin's voice sounded small on the other side of the phone. "Yes, hyung... It's fine, though! It's only until after the exams! I can still go to work, though, but my mom doesn't like my hours... She says it's in the way of my studies...But I can still go out a bit on Saturdays! Well, technically I can only go to Jungkook or Taehyung..."

"This is bullshit!" Yoongi exclaimed, standing up. Namjoon eyed him curiously, his eyes following his friend as Yoongi paced up and down the livingroom. Yoongi took a hand through his dark hair in frustration. "I'd like to have a word with your mother on this! I'll apologise myself. It was only like an hour and a half! Jimin, I'm coming over."

"NO!" Jimin shouted, loud enough for even Namjoon to hear. Yoongi sighed, taking his hand over his face. What little patience he had was running thin, but he decided to search the dark corners of his soul for that little extra bit, just for Jimin.

"Why not, Jimin? I'm just going to talk to them calmly. It's not like I'm gonna come out to them and tell them all about my cheerful past." Yoongi joked, but Jimin's silence worried him. "God damn it, Jimin, talk to me."

"They don't want me to see you again, hyung."

Yoongi's heart stopped for a few seconds as he registered what Jimin finally said. A sudden image of him without Jimin flashed through his head, and it scared him. To think about a future where he doesn't have Jimin by his side. The world will be all washed-out colours again. Yoongi, living day to day, watching as his friends moved on with their lives, while Yoongi was stuck buffering at 80%, because he didn't have anything that inspired him to be a better person. No, he'd have nothing that pushed him that extra mile. No Jimin to make proud, no Jimin to teach about the world, no Jimin to love.

Nothing to make it worth it.

"Well. Fuck them." Was Yoongi's answer.

"Hyung! They're my parents!" Jimin pressed, but Yoongi wasn't giving up that easily. Becoming clean has taught him a few things about himself, one being that he is intensely stubborn. Main reason why he had decided to go cold turkey in the first place. Even though it had been the most difficult thing he had ever done in his life, he had never wanted anything more.

Well, perhaps until the prospect of a future without Jimin crossed his mind.

"I'll just prove to them what a delightful person I am." Yoongi said, and both Namjoon and Jimin laughed at that. "What? I'm fucking sunshine in a bottle. Namjoon! You shut up."

"Hyung, I...can you sneak into my room tonight? They're having date night tonight from eight until midnight. We can talk face to face then."

Yoongi sighed louder, falling back down on the couch next to Namjoon. He felt like sinking into the comforting pillows of the couch and taking a year long nap. He hated sneaking around. He came out of the closet for a reason. "Yeah... Yeah, I'll be there. See you then, Jiminie." He hung up after Jimin greeted him. Namjoon handed Yoongi a throw-pillow and Yoongi shoved his face into it, groaning loudly. "Fuck my life. I chose the wrong time to quit using hard drugs. Having a boyfriend is difficult."

Namjoon plucked the pillow away from Yoongi and flicked his forehead. "Don't talk like that. You like Jimin a lot. Don't go proving Jin right. Nobody wants that." Namjoon looked around to make sure his boyfriend wasn't around to hear him.

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