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You know it all,
You're my best friend


Yoongi walked into the bar, his hand clenching Jimin's as the child looked lost and scared. He has never gone out before, even though he was the legal age. Yoongi squeezed Jimin's hand when the boy held unto the back of his hyung's shirt, mumbling incoherently. “Why are we here?”

“To celebrate me being promoted to manager. Namjoon and Jin wanted to treat me to my first beer since becoming sober, because they trust I can manage it.”  Jimin looked at Yoongi with raised eyebrows, and Yoongi ruffled his hair. “Trust me, my little one: I. Can. Handle. It. I never used to drink a lot anyways. Ah, I see Hoseok.” Yoongi led Jimin to the table where Hoseok was seated. Yoongi let Jimin slide into the booth first before sliding in next to him, his arm immediately draping around Jimin's slender shoulders.

“Hey Yoongi-hyung!” Hoseok said across from him, waving his hand excitedly. “Congrats on becoming manager! Oohh, is this your boyfriend?” Hoseok whispered, his eyebrows wriggling suggestively. Yoongi rolled his eyes before taking his arm back, leaning over and flicking Hoseok's forehead.

“He's my Jimin, that's all. Hakuna your tatas.” He sat back down. “Jimin, meet Hoseok. He's a little shit, but he's helped me through coming clean. We're at the same support group.”

“You go to AA? You never told me, hyung,” Jimin asked, fiddling nervously with his hands under the table.

“There's a lot about Yoongi you don't know Jimin!” Hoseok slapped his hands unto the table. “Did you know that he used to do dance? This skinny piece of ass! And by dance I mean ballet,” Hoseok grinned and Yoongi stepped on his foot under the table.

“Shut the fuck up. I was like six and I didn't want to do sports.” Yoongi spat back, but visibly calmed when he heard Jimin giggle. His scowl retired to a look of disdain then to mere annoyance.

“I also did a few years of ballet before deciding on contemporary,” Jimin's eyes widened when he heard a squeal behind him. When he turned around, he saw Taehyung run up to him and hug him (while leaning over Yoongi; Yoongi was not okay with this). “Taehyung? What are you and Jungkook doing here?”

Yoongi pushed Taehyung off of him. “I invited them. I want to get to know your friends better, and you can get to know my friends better,” And Jimin would be lying if he said that his heart didn't warm at that notion. He smiled brightly, his eyes disappearing into crescents. “Hey, Jin and Namjoon. Thanks for helping get these two under-aged lambs into the bar.”

Jin smiled and pulled a chair closer to the booth. Hoseok slid out, let Taehyung and Jungkook slide in, then took the chair for himself. Namjoon and Jin each claimed a spot at the booth across from each other. “Anything for my two best customers.” Jin ruffled Taehyung's hair, and he laughed cutely.

“Thank you for inviting us, Yoongi-hyung,” Jungkook said before looking at Hoseok and smiling. “Hey, I'm Jungkook and this is Taehyung.”

Hoseok grinned and held up a peace sign. “I'm Hoseok, your source of hope and happiness. Welcome to the group! Nice to finally meet you in person!”

Meet you in person? Yoongi thought, but brushed it off.

Namjoon rolled his eyes. “Hoseok, take it down a notch before you scare the kids off. Today is about Yoongi,” He smiled a warm smile, a fatherly smile, as he looked at Yoongi. “Not only did Jin promote him today, but today also marks his eighth month of sobriety.”

Yoongi's eyes widened, and he unlocked his phone to check at the date. “What, really? Well, fuck me. Now I finally know what month I'm at.” Yoongi looked back up to see a present on the table. A small box, tied together with a black ribbon. “The fuck is this?”

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