|twenty four|

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The autumn showers started early that year.

Yoongi wasn't one to think about the weather often, but as he found himself enjoying his morning coffee to the sight of a dull, grey sky, he wondered when he will see that cotton candy pink dawn again. He never used to truly appreciate sunrises, and since about three or four months ago, he found himself waking up earlier and earlier in order to appreciate the show. Which says a lot, since Min Yoongi is a man who adores his sleep.

His life never was in colour until Jimin appeared that first day, with his golden-speckled eyes and cotton-candy pink hair and honey-coloured skin. He was used to washed-out and bleached colours. For once, his life was in depth, and he found himself appreciating a sunrise way more than he should. Because, the sunrise was Jimin. A new day to mark new possibilities, a new love to mark a better Yoongi.

Yoongi finds himself drowning in the concept of Jimin a lot these days. He stares at his pictures often, and thinks about the possibilities they might have together. A future where Jimin and Yoongi can walk in the streets, hand-in-hand as they talk about how boring their days were. Yoongi spent his hours of night time silence indulging in his secret fantasies of Jimin's small moans and groans whenever they were making out. Despite not having gotten that intimate again since the car, Yoongi still liked to imagine how future encounters might turn out to be.

However, being with Jimin wasn't as perfect as Yoongi had imagined it.

It was a bit messy at times, and awkward at most times. They spent a lot of time kissing, and not enough time talking. Both were going through difficult times, and both were too stubborn to actually talk about it. They thought that the other has enough shit of his own and that they don't need to pile his own shit upon that. They wanted the other to be better.

But they were happy, and so lost in their emotions. Talking was irrelevant. Both boys were aware of how the other had difficulty talking, so they settled for long hugs and comfortable silences whenever they had the chance, or whenever they needed a bit of emotional release. They were there for each other's happiness.

Yoongi's meeting with Jihoon was scheduled for that day, and so was his meeting with Jungkook. Yoongi found it odd that Jungkook chose him to talk to and not Namjoon or Jin, whom Jungkook seemed to have grown fond of. As far as Yoongi knew, the youngest two were scared of him.

So, Yoongi downed his coffee on this grey Sunday morning and walked back inside his cramped apartment to get ready.


Yoongi wasn't working a shift that day, but had to go in anyways to meet with Jungkook and make sure a certain order was made. Yoongi was sitting in the back booth, the one he has indirectly claimed as his office-space, waiting for Jungkook while he was busy with some paperwork.

"Hyung?" A small voice came from above Yoongi. He looked up, pushing his glasses up his nose to meet the boy. Jungkook was wearing his signature white shirt, jeans and timberlands.

"Yo, Jungkook. Take a seat." Yoongi took his glasses off and put them in their case and pushed the paperwork away. Jungkook sat down, wrapping his arms around his waist and keeping his head down. He was taking on a protective stance, which Yoongi immediately saw through. He sat forward a bit to make Jungkook feel more at ease. "What's up?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, his eyes never looking up. "T...Taehyung...I'm in love with Taehyung..." Jungkook said in a small voice, his cheeks flaring up at the declaration. "I'm in love with my best friend. So fucking in love..." Jungkook leaned forward, holding his head in his hands. He looked like the weight he had been keeping on his shoulders just fell off, like he could breathe again.

Yoongi's eyes widened. He barely knows how to deal with his own emotions, much less another human's. Especially a teenage boy in love. Yoongi leaned forward awkwardly, as if every movement hurt, and gently patted Jungkook's shoulder. "There...there..." Yoongi said softly. "But...I thought you two were together?"

Jungkook sighed loudly, laying his head down on his arms and on the table. "We were...experimenting. It was all fun at first, the kissing and shit. But, I told him I wasn't completely bi, and just curious, and well...He made sure to keep emotions dis-involved." Jungkook sniffed. "And now...he told me he has a crush on another boy. How...how was I so blind?"

Yoongi rubbed the bridge of his nose in thought. He's never dealt with crushes, and what he knows about relationships are limited to Jihoon and Jimin. "Jungkook, I...why did you come to be about this?" Yoongi wanted to know, since he wanted to establish what kind of comfort Jungkook was seeking in Yoongi.

"The other hyungs... I feel like they'll try and sugar coat things a bit. Not to be mean or anything, but since I'm the maknae of the group. And Jimin...he's our close friend. I don't want him in the middle. You...You won't give me any bullshit. You'll give it to me straight." Jungkook finally lifted his head to let his gaze meet Yoongi's. His doe eyes were determined.

Yoongi knows that look. He sees that look everytime he looks in the mirror and thinks about Jimin. The look of someone who's willing to fight.

"Look here, Jungkook. Love is a bitch. It fucking hurts so much, but it's the most beautiful pain you will ever experience. It's a drug and trust me, I know about drugs. The prospect of using it seems appealing, until you actually use it and you get down from that high. Be aware of this, aye?" Yoongi proceeded to fidget with his fingers while he thought about what would be the best for both boys. He's seen their interactions with each other, and it was obvious that Taehyung actually did feel the same about Jungkook. "The thing with Taehyung is, you'll need to square up. Let those prepubescent balls finally drop. Give it to him straight. Tell him about how you feel. He's your best friend, and if this experimenting shit has really been going on as long as you're saying, then his feelings are probs the same. It's what I did with my first crush."

If I never told Jihoon that I've secretly been having a crush on him for ages, he would never have pulled me into that world.

Jungkook's gaze softened. The headlights in his face disappeared and he was at ease once again. "What...if he doesn't feel the same?" He sounded like he was whispering, scared to let the truth come out.

"My hyung told me the most cliché thing the other day: true love triumphs in the end. If he doesn't feel the same, then it obviously won't work, and you try your damnest to move on. Because one day, you'll find someone who actually does feel the same, and who paints the sky the colours of a sunrise." Yoongi's eyes widened as he realise he was busy thinking about Jimin. Fuck, everything always led back to that boy.

Jungkook smiled. He actually smiled. Yoongi's heart warmed in the way a big brother's would if his little sibling did something good. Yoongi doesn't have any siblings, and maybe Taehyung and Jungkook were busy becoming his little brothers. Part of his family.

"Thank you, hyung. I knew I could come to you. God, how do I even do this? Tae is so extra. He'd be wanting a big-ass proposal with flowers and fireworks and Disney Princesses." Jungkook jumped up. "I need to get started! Where can I find a Frozen dress? No wait, that plan will fail." Jungkook waved off to Yoongi as he started dialling numbers on his phone, adamant on giving his crush the most exciting romantic experience of his life, leaving the café.

Yoongi shook his head as he sat back. When did he become so open? And so nice? It felt nice, no doubt about it, but it was foreign to him. Everything felt foreign when he was sober.

Oh, he hasn't been itching in a while.

He didn't even notice the feeling was gone.

R u at the café yet?

Yes, in the back.
When will u be here?

On my way, baby cakes.

Okay, maybe the itching surfaced every now and again. Like at that moment, with the thought of seeing Jihoon again at the front of Yoongi's mind.

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