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Can you remember
Who you were
Before the world
Told you who you
Should be?

“Jungkook! Jungkookie!” Jimin exclaimed as his best friend answered the phone. Jimin was heading out of the café, on his way home, a skip in his step.

“Jimin? Shit, wait! Jimin let me put you on speaker!” Jimin heard muffled voices and rumbling sounds before Jungkook spoke again. “Kay, you're on speaker!”

“And this just in, a wild Taehyung has been spotted approaching the scene of the conversation. Heyo, Jiminie. Did you get the job?”

Jimin looked both ways before crossing the street and running over. “Yes! Yes, I did actually! Ah!” Jimin had to hold the phone away from his ear as the two boys (read, Taehyung), were shouting in excitement and happiness.

“Congratulations my baby boy!” Taehyung exclaimed.

“Hey, I'm older than you!” Jimin sat down at the bus stop, placing his bag on his knees and holding it tightly to his chest. He was sitting alone at the stop, thank goodness, so he eased back into the seat a bit, taking a look at the bright blue sky as he spoke with his two best friends.

“I don't care, you're my baby boy- Wait, no Jungkook give the phone back!”

Taehyung was promptly ignored as Jungkook spoke into the phone, and Jimin could only imagine the scene: Jungkook holding both Taehyung and the phone away at arm's length, with Taehyung reaching out to the phone desperately. “I'm very proud of you hyung. You need to work extra hard now, because I can't support Taehyung's hentai addiction by myself!”

“Hey, fuck you! It's called manga! And it's art!” Taehyung's deep voice growled softly, and on the other end of the line Jungkook tried to ignore the goosebumps his friend- scratch that, his crush's deep voice gave him.

“The shit you read is on the border between manga and hentai. Anyways, how are your coworkers so far?”

Jimin blushed a bit as he thought back to the handsome hyung who'd be training him. “Actually very nice! My boss is so pretty, like a model! He's a bit dramatic, but he's a sweetheart. And the hyung who's going to train me is kind of mean, but he's sassy and funny too. I'm not sure how to act around him though... but he's just as handsome. Taehyung, you need to get your gay ass over here soon! You'd love it!”

Taehyung laughed deeply. “Ha ha ha! Count on it, Chim!”

Taehyung is the only one of his friends who is openly gay. Well, not at school, but he came out to his friends and his family. Jungkook, on the other hand, is a closet bisexual and is afraid to come out, because he's more popular than Tae and someone would find out more easily and the retaliation on Jungkook would be bigger.

Jimin, on the other hand, was confused about his sexuality, but he wasn't ready to admit that to himself.

“Well, the bus is here, so chat later, kay? Bye, fam!”

“BYEEEEE!” Both boys said as Jimin hung up and standing up. He dusted himself off and got on the bus, smiling at the familiar bus driver. He paid his usual fee, took his usual seat, and played his usual playlist. He drove past the usual houses, the usual people, the usual trees. And, when the bus comes to a halt at Jimin's usual stop, Jimin would take his usual route to his house and follow his usual routine of doing his homework, then eating, then showering before going to sleep in his usual bed.

His smile faded as he laid his head against the window of the bus, watching as the world outside became a painting of horizontal lines and colours. He placed his finger to the cold glass and watched as it started to fog up on the glass around his finger. There's a reason he took this job. He wanted to break away from his routine. He's a teenager, and he knows that it's insane to think that he's the only teenager who's bored of their circumstances, but it's not that Jimin is bored with his circumstances. It's more that... he isn't happy with them. He wanted to escape the routine his existence has fallen into, in order to find some meaning for his existence. Inside of Jimin was a world he would never let anyone into.

He wondered where the job would lead him. He wondered where the money he would be acquiring would lead him. Perhaps he'd get to go somewhere, see someone, meet someone. Maybe he'll go to a music festival, meet someone, and wake up the next morning in their bed.

For a split second, he tried to imagine the face of someone who'd take Jimin to bed, and Jimin blushed furiously when Yoongi's face popped up. Jimin lifted his blazer and hid it over hid face, praying that the other passengers don't notice how red his face is.

He is very handsome, Jimin thought to himself. But I'm not gay, and he probably isn't.

Besides, Jimin has his own problems to worry about at the moment. Who he's going to bed with isn't what he should be worrying about now, he shouldn't allow himself to indulge too deeply into the thoughts of what he'd be wasting his money on. He knew that the plans will most probably fall through, so Jimin pushed that thought right to the back of his head and lifted his face again.

“So, who's the girl that's making you blush so profoundly?” An old lady across from Jimin said. Jimin chuckled nervously, his cheeks turning to the colour of a ripe peach.

“Just someone cute I met today, ma'm,” Jimin smiled at her and got up when the bus stopped. He waved bye to both the lady and the bus driver before getting off.

He needed to get home, and home is one place he despises being.


So I started writing shorter chapters because why not. Easier for you guys to read, I guess?

Also, lots of the things that happen in this book is based off of personal experience with the matter, so I know what I'm talking about.

But have a lovely day!

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