I knock on the guest bedroom door where she's sleeping "Davina are you alright?" I ask almost cursing myself because of how much I seem to care about this girl after knowing her for a very little amount of time. I'm never like this with women, I don't go after them when they're upset or pissed off, I usually just laugh and take amusement in their distress but not Davina. I don't want her to be upset or pissed off, I want her to be happy and safe. "I'm fine just go away" Davina replies through the door "I apologize if my brother hit a sore spot with you there. He's an asshole and he's like that all the time you'll get use to it" I say "he doesn't know anything about me, why does he seek to upset and mock me when he doesn't know me or my life" she replies through the door I sigh and turn around so my back is to the door as I slide down to the floor. I suppose I'll just talk to her through the door like this then "my brother is a complicated man. He likes to know everything and be in control and I don't think he quite likes the idea of suddenly not being the only immortal being in the world" I respond "what? Does he think he's the King of the world or something?" she asks making me chuckle "something like that yes. He thinks he's unstoppable and unkillable so in his mind he's untouchable and mighty so nobody can hurt him and he believes everyone should bow down to him" I reply she scoffs in response "I'll never bow down to him. A good King wouldn't enforce people to bow down to him and like him. A good King cares about the well being of others, he does what's right for his people and those he loves but your brother doesn't exactly scream the qualities of a good King" she responds "to be honest neither of us do have the qualities of a good King. We're not good people Davina, we're monsters, we've killed and ruined so many people and we do not care at times but for us it's all about survival. We have to drink blood in order to survive" I reply "I can understand that and I accept that. I do not care if you are monsters or about the things you've done, that doesn't matter what matters is respect. If you want someone to respect you then they have to respect you. A King should always respect others even if they don't like it, respect can do a whole world of good" she replies "you're right. Again I'm sorry about my brother being an ass" I say she giggles "it's fine I've dealt with bigger assholes than your brother" she responds I fake gasp "don't let my brother hear you say that. It would bruise his ego" I retort she laughs "oh so he has an ego now?" she asks "yeah we all kind of do. I have the biggest ego out of all of us" I respond "oh I can see that. Nobody spends a whole hour looking themselves in the mirror unless they have a huge ego or looking for grey hairs" she replies making me chuckle"you saw that?" I ask since this morning I had spent a decent amount of time looking myself in the mirror but I had no idea Davina was awake or that she saw. "Oh yeah I saw alright. Don't worry you're handsome so don't fret about it" she says "I don't fret about it. I know I'm handsome, I'm the lucky one out of all my brothers. I got the best lucks" I say she scoffs in response "you wish" she says making me gasp playfully "why how dare you?!" I say in a playful tone. "I'm kidding but your brothers are pretty decent looking the only thing that ruins those looks is one wears suits like they're at a social gathering and the other is an epic douche bag" she retorts making me laugh a proper genuine laugh, one I haven't laughed in years. "One question Davina" I say "what?" she asks "what was that with your eyes and skin down there?" I ask "I actually don't know, it's never happened before" she replies "oh well at least I know not to piss you off if that's what happens when you get really angry" I say jokingly "I've gotten angry many times before and I never turned blue and my eyes didn't change color. I don't understand why that happened but I really should leave" she replies causing me to quickly get up on my feet and I open the door pausing for a moment as her eyes are still red but they're not a terrifying red like mine go when I'm hungry or angry, they're a beautiful ruby crimson color. "S-sorry your eyes are beautiful" I say she frowns and shakes her head as she blinks "sorry I didn't know they were still red" she replies as she reopens her eyes revealing her normal beautiful blue eyes which have a speck of emerald green that blends in nicely with the blue. "It's okay anyway please don't leave just because of my brother. Ignore him and stay" I say she frowns "I can't stay around forever. I have things to do and I have to return home" she replies "I know but you can stay in the mean time" I reply hoping she will stay. She sighs "I guess but I'm not going to continue staying in some strangers house" she replies "it's not completely a strangers house. You know me" I reply "are you sure you don't want me to stay just because you have some game up your sleeve or because you want to get me in your bed?" she asks I shift on my legs at the thought of having her in my bed, I definitely wouldn't mind having her in my bed. "I don't have a game up my sleeve and I do not intend to get you into my bed unless you want too of course because in that case I'm all up for it" I reply she rolls her eyes but I see a hint of a smile tugging at her full pink lips. "Fine I'll stay under the condition you help me get my lost memories back like you said you would and as long as you promise to keep your brother under control otherwise I will kick his teeth in" she replies "I promise" I say she smiles and nods "well then if you'll excuse me. I'm due to go out shopping with your sister who insists I get a whole wardrobe" she responds "good luck my sister can be a pain in the ass when it comes to shopping" I say "it's nothing I can't handle" she replies as she walks out the room leaving me alone with somewhat happy thoughts. Am I really that happy about her agreeing to stay? What's wrong with me? I've only known her a day. Why am I acting like this with her? Why do I feel a pull everytime I see her? Why did I feel all light and fluffy inside before when we were talking and laughing through the door to each other? What is happening to me? 

End of chapter. What did you think? Elijah is researching those symbols. Klaus thinks Davina's a threat. Kol is defensive of Davina. Davina told the Mikaelsons and Hayley a bit about where she's from and her people's history with earth. Kol exchanged looks with his brothers when Davina told them about earth being invaded by aliens 1000 years ago. Klaus was a douche bag to Davina. Davina started turning blue which had never happened before. Kol and Davina have a nice moment talking through the door to each other. Kol is questioning himself. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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