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Where am I? Wait,is that even a question to ask. Memories of what happened came flooding. The only thing I could remember was me walking by the side of the road. And two men dragging me into a car but I don't remember anything after that. What could've happened. I was on my way home. That's when it dawned on me. Home. Family. But wait, what is happening. I couldn't even feel my legs and my lids feel so heavy but I do know that I am lying on something. Perhaps a bed but why can't I open my eyes. I heard the screech of a door opening and footsteps coming towards me.

“ Why is it that she's still not awake? I thought you said it will only last seventy two hours? But it's getting to another seventy two hours”. A voice spoke.

“ That's what I told him to do. Don't worry she'll wake up soon. Now let's leave”.  A voice so familiar spoke this time. It sound like someone I know but I can't quite put it into place but it is familiar. I heard their footsteps leaving and the door locking.

I Opened my eyes after another effort slowly adjusting to the sight of the room.
It is a very large room and have everything a room needed to be complete. Where is this place? My eyes land on small a door opposite to where I am laying and then on another which I assumed is the bathroom or whatever. You could tell just by looking at the door since it's a glass door. What kind of a place is this and what am I doing here. I have to get out of here. I tried getting up but my legs feel numb. I walked to the door and turned the door knob but it was locked from the outside. Am I really kidnapped? I turned around and head for the bathroom door and luckily it wasn't locked. I walked in and stood looking around. It's quite large. There's a shower room by a corner surrounded by glass and a WC by the other corner. I decided to perform wudhu(ablution) and pray. I don't even know for how I've been out and what day is today. Worse of it all, I have no idea what I am doing in this place. I exit the place and headed to the small door thinking maybe I'll find something for prayers since I don't see any wardrobe or a cloth. When I walked in,it is indeed a walk-in closet and before I could even move forward in, my eyes caught what looks like clothes hanging. I got there and found something appropriate for prayer. I came back to the room and prayed facing the only direction that came to my mind. I folded the clothes and returned them to their place. That's when I looked at the clothes I'm wearing. It doesn't look like my own clothes. I don't even remember what I was wearing but I'm sure this isn't one of my clothes. So, who changed it? Could it be those two guys? No. I pray not. Just then,the door opened and one guy walked in throwing me a murderous glare. I stood on my feet looking at him. “ Who are you and what am I doing in this place?”. I decided to cut the glare thing and asked.
“ Who are you to ask me that question. More so,you'll know soon enough. I only came in here to check if you're awake and as I can see you're up and well”. He said turning around to leave the room without uttering another word.

What is all these? Checking up on me? And then what? What do these people want with me? Do I even know them? With the voice I heard though, my mind couldn't be at ease. I definitely know the voice but I just don't want to put it in place. I was already afraid thinking about the possibilities that...... No. Definitely not. I didn't even realised I was standing until my legs started shaking. I sat on the bed thinking of nothing and everything.

Short chapter 😪 Sorry 😑 I just can't get her out of my head, she's somewhere she have no idea of and we all don't know too 🤧 I pray she's there for a good reason 😑 I mean wherever she is cox I'm having a bad feeling about this 🤧 Xoxo ❤🦋

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