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Adeela's POV....

The rays of sunlight falling through the window awoke me from my deep yet beautiful sleep. I opened my eyes to a magnificent sight. I still couldn't bring myself to believe that he's actually mine. I let my eyes roam his face. From his full black eyebrows, his long eyelashes, to his beautiful eyes, his nose down to his lips, I keep my eyes on his lips and fantasizing on just how full they are and the urge to kiss him hit me hard.
" Pictures last, you know that don't you?".

His voice jerked me out of my stupid fantasy. The only thing I wanted was for the ground to open and swallow me. Ashamed of myself, I could only turned my face the other side as he was still holding me.
" I'm your husband. So, take all the time to look at this handsome of a husband you got". He whispered into my ears.
I know what he's trying to do. He's trying to lighten the mood. I tried removing his hands but he won't budge.
" Good morning". I mumbled playing dumb.

" Is the morning beautiful for my wife". He forcefully turned me around to face him.

" Now, you can look all you want. I will close my eyes and pretend to sleep". He said with a chuckle and I could only look at him. He's everything I've prayed for and more. Ya Allah thank you so much for the blessings.
" I so would love to stay and look at you all day but.... There are things I should do".

" And what are those things if I may ask?".

" Stop asking questions and let me go". I rolled my eyes at him.

" Did you just.... Alright.. I see where this is going. Our score's still unsettled young lady".

" Whatever". He removed his hands from my waist and I sluggishly got off the bed and make my way to the bathroom " And I'm not young". I called out over my shoulder.

"Oh, are you old then? Goodness, don't tell me I married an old woman". He whispered yell behind me. I ignored him and entered the bathroom closing the door shut.

I took my time in the tub enjoying the hot water with the scent of lavender body wash all over. I didn't know for how long I stayed until a knock came at the door. " you okay in there?". He asked.

" Sure will be out in a jiffy". I replied stepping out of the tub. I wrapped around my towel and put on a bathrobe. When I unlocked the door, he was by the door standing.
" You got me worried. Just a quick question though, do you normally stay this long?". He asked.

" Curiosity kills the cat". I murmured.

" And satisfaction brought it back".

" Huhhh, well to be honest with you, wait, for how long was I in there?" I asked.

" It's 8:52 now. Getting to an hour now".

" Oh, I thought it's past that. Sorry, that's just me but there are times I don't stay that long, like those times in school, but with you around, I can make some changes to it". I said and walked past him straight into the walk_in_closet.

I roamed through my clothes and finally settled on an opened maroon gown. Deciding to know my house, I slipped on my slippers and walked out while he undressed. And what I saw had my breath skipping. His body is a jaw dropped. Ya Allah. I quietly avoid my gaze before he caught me staring. His mind was somewhere when I exit the room.
I checked everywhere in my part and all I could say was Masha Allah. There were two huge sitting rooms, Four bedrooms,a dining room and a very large kitchen. I've always wanted a big kitchen. Standing inside the kitchen as was my final checkout, I noticed a heap sitting pretty on the counter top. I moved closer and opened it. Inside were different containers of food. I wonder when this arrived.

 ADEELAWhere stories live. Discover now