Different Clothing Style

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Arturia was certain he was the most—undeniably—handsome man in the world and if not, then the most handsome she had been assigned to take out, "Why, in fact, I'm feeling swell."

"A pleasure to hear." He gave her a small smile, then turned towards the window, "You seem to be one that does not usually wear dresses."

Her brows furrowed just as she had picked up some finger food from a butler, "Why would you come to that conclusion?" She asked before shoving the pig-in-a-blanket into her mouth.

He gave her a chuckle, her cheeks puffed up as she chewed, "You do not attend many social functions either, do you?"

She gulped her delicious food down and then frowned, "You did not answer my question, I asked first."

He gave another chuckle, shaking his head slightly before lifting his eyes to view hers again, "I mean to say this with the utmost respect, my lady. The way you step proves you barely ever walk in heels, you had just complained about the tight dress and what gives you away the most, my lady, would have to be the fact you picked up a fattening snack."

She gave a bewildered look, drawing a hand to her chest, "Excuse me," she blinked, "are women not allowed to eat the food?" Her other hand tightened around the skirt of the dress, her features hardening.

"My lady," he too held a hand to his chest as he bowed, "I meant no single offence against you. It is simply a statement. In fact, it is rather refreshing to see someone that is not following the social pressures of a ball."

She gave him an even look, "I never overlook good food—pardon me, I must correct myself; food, in general."

"A lady with her priorities straight is always a delightful sight."

She cracked a thin smile, "Saber," she extended her white gloved hand.

"Lancer," he introduced himself, taking her hand in his and bringing it to his lips to plant a soft and gentle kiss.

She smiled up at him, "Now, I am not aware—as you have come to know—of how social functions properly work, would you mind giving me a few pointers? My master failed to teach me before he sent me as his representative."

"It would be my pleasure, milady." He offered her a warm smile, as well as his arm so that she might hook her own around his.

She did surely that.

"Let's begin with the essentials." He commenced walking, guiding her through the crowd, "A lady never eats fattening foods in public."

"That is an absurd rule, sir," she grumbled.

"That takes me to my number one advice in order to get past this rule," he grinned, "you need a partner."

"What do you mean by that?" She tilted her head up towards him.

He glanced at her slightly before turning to meet what seemed to be someone he was acquainted with.

"Diarmuid!" A man smirked, lady in his arms, "It is such a pleasure to see you here today."

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Fionn." The honey-eyed man returned the warm gesture.

The woman in the blond man's arm had her eyes sparkling up at Lancer, "You are looking as handsome as ever," she complimented whilst he thanked her. Her chestnut gaze dropped down to Arturia, who stood silently. Her eyes narrowed, "Who might this be?"

"Oh! Forgive my forgetfulness." Lancer nodded, his hand landing atop Arturia's, "This is my company tonight. I would be delighted to introduce you to the beautiful and charming Saber."

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