Ice Cream

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Day 13: Ice cream

The sound of cicadas filled the air while the two teenagers talked about school and friends. The heat of the sweltering sun caused them to stop under a tree to take a break near the country road. The soft breeze rustled the leaves as they took a seat on the cool grass.

"It's so hot," Diarmuid groaned, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Isn't it?" Arturia replied as she pulled her water bottle out from her backpack. "I continue to wonder why they fail to build bus routes to and from school."

Diarmuid laughed while he nodded. "Yup."

They had classroom cleaning duty and so they had stayed behind and now there were no longer any students on the road. They were the only people for as far as the eye could see, and they wouldn't get anywhere for another hour of walking.

"Why didn't your parents pick you up?" Diarmuid asked, looking up at the branches of the small tree.

Arturia shrugged in response. "I wanted to walk home today. Thought it would be better."

"I'm guessing you regret the decision now," he chuckled.

"Not exactly," she replied, "I'm enjoying my time."

He smiled and leaned back onto the tree. "I was..." he wandered, "I was wondering if you'd like to stop for ice cream once we get to the station."

She looked over at him and he felt his heart swell in his chest. Her golden hair blew lazily in the wind and her cheeks were bright red as a result of the heat. She gave a nod after taking another sip from her water bottle. "Although I'll be home a bit late, I'm sure my parents won't mind."

A smile grew on his lips and he stood, earning a rush of adrenaline from her answer. He offered her a hand. "Then we should hurry."

Arturia smiled as she took his hand and offered him some water once they had started walking again. He gladly accepted her offer and they braved through the burning summer afternoon.

Reaching the station took a long time but the time flew as they talked and joked. The wall of air-conditioned goodness hit them like a truck as they trickled in to the station, making them let out sighs of content and relief. Diarmuid walked to the freezers at the back and Arturia followed, after they had greeted the store keeper.

Upon opening the freezer, they stood in the tingling cold air that seeped through it and appreciated the breeze on their burning faces.

"Chocolate?" He offered.

She shook her head. "Blueberry."

Slowly, he reached out towards the bin of ice cream cones that she liked, he picked up two and they walked back to the cashier after a moment to remember how the biting air of the freezer felt against their cheeks. Arturia fixed her bag as they exited the store and faced the harsh reality of the sticky summer air.

"Here," Diarmuid handed her a cone, a bright smile on his face.

She took it and opened the ice cream cone before fearlessly biting into the ice cream.

Diarmuid shuddered. "How can you even do that?"

Arturia hummed a quick 'I-dunno' as she shrugged. "Guess I just grew up like that," she said before taking another bite.

"I like you."

Arturia looked up at him and away from the ice cream. "What?" It didn't seem like she was fazed, her demeanour was impeccable.

"I...I, er, I like cute—fruit –I..."

She looked at his hands, which held his ice cream. "It's melting," she deadpanned.

He looked down at his hand, cheeks burning and not because of the sun. "Uh, I...thanks," he choked as he looked away. His mind had already begun to drive at a hundred miles and hour and he was left in the dust to become fearful of Arturia and what he'd just said to her.

"I think I like you too," she mumbled. Looking over at him, she took a step closer and let her fingers brush against his before she took a hold of his hand. "For a while now, actually."

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