Wearing kigurumis

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Day 11: Wearing kigurumis

Arturia laid down on the couch, snuggling into the nice warm blanket. The day was freezing cold and the winter breeze seeped in through the cracks of the windows. She had told Diarmuid they were in need of fixing those, but he said that it was all part of restoring a Victorian-era house and that they wait until they had fixed the kitchen stove. Although the restoration process was hard, it was a challenge and both the adults loved challenges.

The front door groaned open and Arturia gave a frown, mentally noting that she would have to fix it soon.

"Hey!" Diarmuid finally made it to the living room, followed by Jeanne; their hands filled with shopping bags.

Arturia pulled herself up from the couch. "Finally, what took you two so long?" She asked.

Jeanne looked down at the bags in her hands and then back up at Arturia. "There were a little too many things on the list you gave us.

"Oh," Arturia nodded, "well, then, were you able to gather everything?"

Diarmuid smiled. "There is nothing we can't do, Artie."

Jeanne set most of the bags near the living room and glanced at her phone. "Now," she sighed, "I must get going as Cú is already wondering where I am. You know how nervous he gets when I don't answer his calls." The girl put the phone back into her pocket. "Oh, I bought you guys something to warm you up, it's in the black bag. They're nice and warm; they'll help you brave the winter."

Arturia stood from the couch. "That is very thoughtful of you, thank you."

"No problem," Jeanne smiled, "no need to thank me."

With nothing more than a wave, Jeanne left the house to meet up with her boyfriend. The newly weds settled everything before they decided to look at what it was Jeanne had gotten for them. Seeing a golden blanket, Arturia pulled it out only to reveal a lion onesie. She frowned.

Diarmuid couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "She bought you that?"

Arturia shot Diarmuid an even look. "Surely you had given her the idea."

Bringing a hand to his chest, he gasped, "Why would you think that?"

Arturia pulled out the next onesie, revealing a dog shaped one. She grinned, "Well, I see that Jeanne made it a little fair."

It was Diarmuid's turn to frown and blush. "I hope you realize that I will not be wearing that."

Arturia shrugged, "Alright then. I assume I will not be buying sweet bread tomorrow after all."

"That is not fair! You can't bribe me, Artie, that's foul play."

She sighed, "I think it is not nice if we put Jeanne's thoughtful gifts to waste."

"Fine, but only because Jeanne bought them." He stood and took the onesie from Arturia's hand, waling towards the bathroom.

A few minutes later, they returned in their respective onesie's; a lion for Arturia and a dog for Diarmuid.

Arturia had a fluffy mane around her head, adorning her almost like a halo. Her hands were in cute little paws and the lion's mouth fell just above her brows. Diarmuid would admit that she looked cute, since she was petite, and stoic faced all the time, the onesie fit her personality rather well.

"I look ridiculous," Diarmuid huffed.

She laughed, "Well," it was hard to suppress her giggles, "I also think it suits your personality."

Diarmuid narrowed his eyes. "Do not dare, I have been called mongrel by Gilgamesh one too many times and I do not appreciate it."

Arturia shook he head. "No, I mean you are loyal and always see the best in other people."

He smiled. "You're too cute," he wrapped her in a tight hug. "Now, let's watch a movie."

"How about the Twilight Zone?"

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