Wearing Each Other's Clothes

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Day 6: Wearing Each Other's Clothes

A gulp.

"Well..." His voice wandered, "Why exactly would we be doing this?"

"Why not?" Cú grinned, shrugging, "Why not. It'll be fun."

The woman cleared her throat, "What if it breaks?" She inquired, her blond brow raising as she held her chin with her hand, "I would not want my dress to tear."

"I am not thick," Diarmuid countered, offended in some sense, "It would not tear."

Cú nodded, "Right, if anything, I could cast a spell on it." He clapped his hands together once, standing from his seat, "It would be nice to try it out. I always wished to see such a hero in a dress."

Diarmuid glared, gulping again.

"I have always wanted to see what spandex feels like." The Knight of Fianna would have never believed his ears to have heard the solemn king say something so odd, "It would be entertaining to trade outfits. I have never truly fought with anything outside of my dress. Are those comfortable?" Her eyes then analyzed the dark-haired man.

"Ah," he laughed it off, "Yes, they are."

It took Diarmuid a long time to change into the dress and armour and the bloomers. It made him wonder how it was possible she could even fight in something so restricting and hot. He was burning up in the heaps of folds.

The blue fabric was soft to the touch and so was the white underdress. It was amazing that the golden decorations were so very elaborate. His fingers glided over the engraved armour, to think it was protected with magic; who would have ever guessed. The gauntlets were not difficult to place on, and he did like them; the feeling of their weight making him recall his past.

He was panting when he appeared again before Cú and Arturia, who had seemed to be waiting for a while, already dressed in his outfit.

He scrunched his nose, it was odd seeing her in his clothes, it made him cringe.

His outfit perfectly fit her; probably due to Cú's magic. The dark green of the suit made her meadow gaze grow in intensity, her golden hair not complimenting the colours; she looked better in blue. Her eyes flickered towards him and he gulped; she still looked graceful.

"I personally feel comfortable in this. Though, I did have some confusion as to how you wear it at first." She had his lances in her hands, smiling up at him.

"I do not find this amusing," he frowned.

Cú laughed, shaking his head at the sight of a mighty knight in a blue dress, "Personally," he smirked, "I find that you pull it off rather well. What would you say, Saber?"

Arturia nodded, "You do look amazing. Are you having trouble moving in it?"

"Yes. Might I ask how you get through the many restrictions?" He pondered, raising a brow.

"A woman must go to many lengths." She replied, "I must admit that you sport the dress much more elegant than I. I think that this switch would be something I would love keeping."

Diarmuid shook his head furiously, "No. I cannot. I am very satisfied with my own outfit, Saber."

"Of course," she frowned.

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