Worst Nightmare

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Ferris laid down in his bed, staring at the ceiling. He was living with a family of deer, that had reluctantly let him into their home. They don't ever pay attention to him unless they absolutely have to, except for Nelly. She was about six and was very interested in the young wolf's life. He gave a sigh and closed his eyes, visiting the dream world.

He was walking in endless darkness, seeing nothing but black. Usually, there would be something much stranger. He stopped as he heard other footsteps, something he hadn't heard before in a dream. Maybe this would turn out to be a nightmare. If that was the case, he better find a way to wake up. But, he decided to wait and see what would happen.


A voice called. He looked around. The voice was deep. "Hello?" He called out.

I have been watching you

"Well, that's kinda creepy." Ferris said, with a laugh. If this was a nightmare, he was going to at least try to conquer it.

Don't take me for a fool, boy

"I never said you were a 'fool'." Ferris said, bouncing slightly. This was interesting. He's never had a dream like this.

You know this is strange, do you not?

That was weird, whatever this thing was, it could apparently read minds.

I am in your mind, you colossal moron.

Ferris blinked. Oh. That would explain it.

You better start taking me seriously, boy, or else-

"Yeah, I'm gonna stop you right there. I don't have to take you seriously, if I don't want to. This is just a dream. So I really don't know what you're- GAH!"

I figure appeared right in front of him out of nowhere. It wasn't a full form, it was completely black, and dripping with black ink. It looked almost like a wolf, like him, but just a few differences. "Boy, I am serious. I've done something absolutely crazy just to get here, into your mind."

Ferris raised an eyebrow. "What did you do that was so bad?" He asked. The thing seemed to laugh, black ink came crawling out of his mouth and onto the floor.

"When did I ever say it was a bad thing?" He smiled, but not in a nice and genuine way. He was smiling a very insane smile, ready to do absolutely anything to get what he wanted. "Now," He wrapped an arm around Ferris' shoulder, he could feel the ink dripping down his shoulder. It was weird, this dream felt surprisingly real. "How about you have a seat, my friend?" The thing forcefully shoved Ferris to the ground, who quickly got into a sitting position. The thing stood in front of him, and searched his pockets for something. He found it and showed it to Ferris. "Do you know these people?" It was a photo of Emma, Alex, Cairry, Izayay, Peter, and Dani.

"Yes. They're my best friends." He answered. The thing looked at the photo himself, before crumpling it into a ball and drenching it in black ink. It soon disappeared. "What was all that for?" He asked.

"These 'friends' you have, won't be friends for much longer." He said.

"What do you mean?"

"These friends will not be your friends for much longer." He summed up.

Ferris sighed.

"Do you still not take me seriously?" He asked

Ferris nodded. "I'm sorry, but this is a dream, I probably gonna wake up soon anyway, so, what's the point in taking it seriously?"

The thing face-palmed. "YOU NEED TO LISTEN! I'M STARTING TO LOSE MY PATIENCE WITH YOU!" He said. Ferris stopped his joking and listened to the thing. "Now, you will address me as The Master, because, that is who I am."

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