“This is Min Yoongi's phone, Jimin speaking,” and the name almost caused Jimin to cry again.

“Jimin? H-hi...It's Jihoon.”

Jimin sat up straight, immediately woken up. “Jihoon? What-what...”

Jihoon sighed. “I know I have no right to call, but...Jin called my rehab, and they told me about Yoongi, and they said I could call someone if I wanted to. Jin mentioned that you have Yoongi's phone so...I wanted to call you.”

On any other day, Jimin would have told Jihoon so much shit he wouldn't be able to distinguish north from south. However, on that day, Jimin was sick of fighting. He knew Jihoon would be scared as well, because Yoongi will forever have a place in Jihoon's heart as well. They were both scared of losing Yoongi at that moment.

“You can...if you will, will you please call my rehab and keep me updated? You can just call this number. I just...I just want to know, and I know I'm the last person to deserve to know in the first place, but-”

“I'll keep you updated, Jihoon,” Jimin insisted. “You love him too, I know you do, and you deserve to know.” The line was quiet for a little bit, neither of them knowing what to say.

“T-thank you Jimin. And...thank you for making him happy. You two deserve each other. I need to go now, but...goodluck.”

“Thank you, Jihoon...Goodbye.”

They hung up after that, and Jimin promptly passed out.

When he woke up again, it was by his father shaking him awake, insisting that he should eat something. Jimin refused, saying that he'd throw it all right back up. “Dad, I really can't eat now...” Jimin said softly, and he sighed.

“Son...why didn't you tell us he was an addict?” He asked, unable to avoid the question any further.

Jimin fiddled with the sleeves of his hoodie. He knew he must look horrible at the moment. “Because, we thought you wouldn't want us to date anymore...” Jimin's face scrunched up like he wanted to cry, and his dad hugged him.

“Jiminie, you love this boy, and this boy loves you. I trust your judgement, and he was clean for so long, I would have understood...” His dad rocked him back and forth as Jimin bit his tears down, biting down on his bottom lip.

“Will he be okay?”

No one was able to answer Jimin.

After what felt like hours later, a doctor finally approached them. Jimin shot up immediately, awake and alert. His eyes went wide and his eyebrows scrunched up. Nobody said anything until the doctor spoke up. “He's fine.” Jimin let out the biggest sigh of relief ever. He felt like the weight of the world was thrown off from his shoulders.

“Is he awake? Can I go and see him?” Jimin asked with a small voice. The doctor sighed, wiping his hand over his face.

“He...He's in a coma. We're going to run some tests, scan his brain to see if there's any damage, but all the physical damage we could pick up on has been fixed and his body will recover. You can see him, but please be gentle.”

Jimin was quiet as the doctor led them to Yoongi's room, and he felt like he was holding his breath the entire time. At some point he had taken his father's hand and clutched it tightly, like a scared child. When they reached the room, Jimin turned to his parents. “I...Can I have a few minutes alone with him now? I'll call you guys soon...” They nodded, and Jimin walked in, and when he saw Yoongi, he let out the breath he'd been holding.

Yoongi was hooked up to so many tubes and strange machines, that had he been awake, Jimin would have called him a transformer. He looked so peaceful, laying on his back with his eyes closed. Jimin walked by slowly, wondering whether or not he was comfortable, since he always snores when he sleeps on his back. His blue hair was a mess, and his face was full of scrapes and bruises, and his one eye was slightly swollen, but he looked so beautiful to Jimin.

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