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I stare out the window aimlessly and fight sleep.

"You realize you're kidnapping me. My mom's gonna call the police. They're going to find my puddle of blood on the ground where Pheonix attacked me. They'll find Nova. They'll find fingerprints, or saliva on her neck, get your DNA. Then they'll find you somehow and put you in jail." I say expressionlessly, my eyes dead.

"I do realize I'm kidnapping you. Your mother is taken care of. Pheonix called a Reptilian and had it drain the scene of blood and rip apart Nova's body so it's just a pile of dried-up skin on the side of the road. Fingerprints will be smudged and unreadable because it was smeared with blood, and we licked her clean of blood, as pervy as it sounds. Vampiric saliva absorbs into all material and dries, making it impossible to gain our salivary DNA. Therefore, the police won't find me and I won't go to jail." He replies with more emotion than me. I ignore him.

"They'll shoot you. You'll die. I'll help them find Pheonix. They'll shoot him. He'll die. Witnesses will be protected or eliminated." I continue, staring out the window at the dark, blurred color smudge.

"They won't find me, and even if they did Vampires like me can't be killed by the bullets they own. It takes a special material. No one will witness my shooting if one occurred." He keeps agitating me. I sit up straight at the bullet part.

"Are you guys killed by silver bullets too?" I ask, my excitement evident in my voice.

"Nope. Bet you'd never guess." Gale responds. I glare at his victorious smile, but go through the periodic table, then every material known to man in my head. Something screams at me that the way to kill him would be Mercury. I don't know why.

"Mercury?" I guess. Gale stops the car abruptly, sending us both flying forward. I had no seatbelt on, so I fell to the floor. He whips his head and stares at me incredulously.

"How do you know that?!" He screams at me, angry. I shrink back from his voice.

"Just a feeling." I respond pitifully. His face softens and he reaches to me but I flinch away.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Get back into the seat. We're almost there." He says gently. I nod and get into the seat again, curling up in the corner farthest from him. When he was angry he was effin scary.

"Why'd you get so angry?" I asked after a minute.

"Because I thought someone told you. If someone told a human, it could mean the demise of my type of Vampires. Government would take the chance and kill everyone." His voice is  quiet, and I almost don't hear him.

"Well...I'm not telling anyone. And if I get mercury I'm only going to kill one Vampire." I state.

"Why? What's the point in killing a Vampire? We kill humans because we need the blood." Gale's voice loudens.

"Well, how many lives have you guys ripped apart by killing humans? I'm going to kill one of you just because you've caused so much pain and grief. I mean, why can't you just wipe the memory of your victim?" I start babbling. "It would be easier and then no one would get hurt. In fact, I bet if you wiped my memory I could go straight back home."

"First of all, a lot of us do use mind wipes. Phenoix and I just kill off our victims because we have business with a vicious Reptilian who I can't speak about. The Draculas are probably the ones you want to kill, and you can do that by just trapping them at the beach. The only Blue Bloods that kill humans are Pheonix, me, and a couple of our friends. And you are not to say anything about that. Understand? I can't wipe your mind because you've consumed my blood. That's also why you can't die from a Vampire bite. Vampires can't be drained to death not because we don't have blood, but because our tiny amount of blood multiplies at an impossible rate when death by blood loss threatens. It's some sort of chemical that comes with Vampire venom that we don't release by biting. It circulates our blood and is one of the fastest-acting, most-intelligent hormone ever. We call it Vampire's Hormone. When you wiped your hand on your jeans you got my blood on your hand, and then proceeded to put it on an open cut, and then lick it off your hand. By the way, your such a Vampire, drinking blood like that." Gale grins and I roll my eyes, but smile slightly as well. It was a lame joke.

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