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Harry stared extra hard at his Mama. He was trying to see if there was anything different about her. He edged closer while still staring at her and bumped into a chair with his face. He shook it off and moved around to the side of the couch she was sitting on. The toddler had a very focused look on his face, reminiscent of his Mama's focused face.

Kayla had noticed Harry when he first came in but chose to wait to see what he'd do. Her fingers continued to work her knitting needles, firelight reflecting off of them. She was making a sweater for Sirius because he had accidentally lit his other one on fire in an unfortunate squabble with Arthur. It was something she would never let him forget either.

The two hadn't quite got control over their instincts just yet and often engaged in little territorial fights. Nothing huge but just small things like who got the best chair in the family room. There was a search for Gideon and Fabian going on at the moment though, Arthur using their soulbond to try and see where his mate was.

Harry got really close, hyperfocusing on her intensely and climbed up on the couch to sit by her. He sat right next to her while eyeing her belly intently.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Remus had come in during the last minute of Harry creeping on Kayla. The werewolf was completely lost as to why their child was being strange.

"Shh. Am ob'vervin." Harry shushed Remus but not taking his eyes off the woman next to him. He wanted to make sure his Mama wasn't pregnant.

"Uh huh." Remus just looked so very confused. He sat in the chair next to the couch and opened his book to pick back up where he left off. The sandy haired man began reading aloud. This had become part of their routine, Remus liked to read aloud while Kayla knitted. Remus just shook his head and decided Harry had been around Sirius too much.

"I do so love this book." Kayla stretched, Harry's eyes glued to her stomach. The four year old had asked Charlie what adult time was and the red head said it was when a mama and dad made a baby. Harry wasn't sure he wanted a brother or sister so he took to watching her carefully and interrupting any time it looked like she might go have adult time with Sirius or Remus.

"Harry, love. Daddy Sirius wanted to know if you wanted to go for a ride on the broom." Remus marked his page and looked at the toddler. He set the book on a side table and shifted to look at their son closer.

"No tank you." Harry shook his head. Remus followed Harry's line of sight and furrowed his brow. It made him internally question if there was something he didn't know.

"C'mon, Bambi. It's nap time since you don't wanna go flying." Sirius scooped Harry up before taking the toddler off to the nursery.

"Why is Harry staring at your stomach?" Remus questioned and tilted his head curiously. He hadn't smelled any changes in her scent recently.

"He thinks we're making a new baby every time we have adult time." Kayla sounded amused. "But no, Rem. I'm not pregnant."

"Oh thank the gods. I mean, not that I'd be mad. It's just not the right time for a new baby when we're trying to get settled." Remus blushed as he explained his thoughts. "Maybe in a few years?"

"Silly." Kayla set down her knitting and reached out to hold Remus' hand. Her hand was tiny and delicate compared to his.

"What did I miss?" Sirius returned to sit next to Kayla and pressing a gentle kiss to her neck. He looked amused at seeing the difference in their hands also.

"Our son thinks we're making babies when we have adult time." Kayla chuckled. "He's worried about it so he's trying to see if there's any changes to me."

"How does he know that babies come from adult time?" Sirius blinked slowly. He looked utterly baffled.

"Charlie told him." Kayla smiled at Sirius radiantly. He couldn't help himself and kissed her, holding the back of her neck. "But we do need to have a talk with him about when we do decided to have children."

"He needs to understand that we won't be replacing him and that he's just as loved." Remus added.

"Exactly." Kayla picked up her knitting again and started to finish Sirius' sweater. Sirius stretched out with his head in her lap and held the ball of yarn while Remus continued reading to them.

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