Warning to the so called King

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Back on Earth....

Davina walked down the stairs wearing a crop top, skinny jeans and high heels that Rebekah had given her. She had thrown on a leather jacket and zipped it up. She entered the living room where Kol was sat playing a game on his phone "what do you have there?" she asked curiously as she peered over Kol's shoulder startling him as he was too engrossed in his game to notice she had entered the room "it's my phone" he replied Davina frowned and moved round to sit next to him "what's a phone?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows which Kol found cute. "It's what you use to call and text people and you can also take pictures and play games on them. You can also go on social media too" he explained smiling to himself when she still looked confused "my apologizes I have no idea what social media is" she said peering at Kol's phone out of curiosity "it's where you talk to other people online" he replied "why would you need social media to talk to people when you can call and text them? It's the same thing right?" she asked Kol chuckled "it's complicated love. I was exactly the same when I was figuring out modern technology for the first time but don't worry you will understand it more as you get use to it" he replied she nodded "so these games you play on them? What are they like? Do you shoot people?" she asked making him chuckle again "not exactly. You can get different types of games on a phone. The game I'm playing is called angry birds" he said she nodded "how do you play that game?" she asked scooting closer to Kol not even noticing that she was almost sitting on his lap not that Kol cared, he actually liked feeling her close to him and he was kind of hoping she would end up on his lap. "Well you throw birds at bricks and things to knock them over but the main aim is to get the pigs on each level" Kol explained as he pulled the game up on his phone and started showing her how to play the game. Davina watched intrigued as he played the game before he handed her his phone "have a go" he said when she gave him a confused look. Davina started playing the game smiling and doing a little cheer whenever she knocked over all the bricks and pigs and Kol watched her with an amused smile. Kol's phone suddenly buzzed startling Davina as she didn't know what the buzzing was so she threw it on the floor "it's gonna blow" she said covering her face to shield herself when it would blow up but it didn't blow up like she expected, she just heard Kol laugh next to her. "It's not going to blow. I just got a text" Kol explained seeing the slight panic on her face. "Sorry where I'm from if something buzzes it usually means it's about to blow up" she explained feeling embarrassed "well here you don't have to worry because here on earth when something buzzes it doesn't always blow up. Phones are safe, they don't blow up" Kol replied Davina nodded and got off the couch. "Right okay moving on. Can you take me to my scepter now?" she asked "you still want to find that?" he asked with a frown "yes it's important I find it Kol. My scepter is like my shield, it's my armour so I must find it" she replied he nodded in understanding "of course let's go" he responded standing up. "Just one more thing though do you happen to have any other girl shoes because these are really painful for my feet" Davina said winching as the heels pinched her toes and she could feel her blood restricting. Kol chuckled "never worn heels before?" he asked "no I'm more of a boots kind of girl" she replied "I don't blame you. I'll search my sisters room for a more suitable pair of shoes" he responded vamp speeding away taking her by surprise as she didn't really know what Kol or his siblings were yet.

Kol soon returned with a pair of black pumps "sorry this is all I could find" he said handing them to her "where are my boots from before?" she asked as she had a pair of black leather biker type boots but they disappeared when she got out of the shower "my sister threw them out as she said they were falling apart" he replied she nodded "okay these will have to do then" she responded and kicked off the heels before slipping on the black pumps. "Okay let's go" she said nodding at Kol "right then let's go and find your scepter then" he said heading to the front door with Davina following after him.

They had walked into the French quarter "there she is! Get her!" a man yelled startling them Kol looked behind them and saw some of Marcel's vampires staring them "great just what we need" he said "who are they?" Davina asked "they work with the man who held you captive in the church attic on the intent to use you" Kol explained causing Davina to scowl and clench her fists as the vampires crowded around them. "Girl you need to come with us. The King isn't happy you escaped" one vampire said Davina glared at him "first of all don't call me girl and second of all what King keeps a girl he doesn't know hidden and locked away in a church attic?" she questioned not feeling threatened one bit by any of them "the best King there is" one replied making Davina and Kol scoff in response "oh please don't make me laugh. My grandfather is a better King than yours ever could be" Davina retorted making Kol frown at her words 'she's royalty?' he thought to himself "your grandfather is a nobody. Our King rules the French quarter and he will kill you if you don't come with us now" one vampire said "don't insult my grandfather you imbeciles! My grandfather rules the nine realms. If your so called King wants me then tell him to come and get me himself!" Davina retorted "it's your funeral" one arrogant vampire said Kol narrowed his eyes "no it's yours" Davina replied before holding her arm out and an orange/purple like flame appears in the palm of her hand and she bounces it in her hand before lunging it forward and it hits the vampire in the chest. The vampires around him stare in shock as there's a hole in his chest which is singeing from the blast Davina shot at him. The vampire looks down in shock before falling to the ground lifeless "she killed him! Get her!" one vampire yelled pointing at Davina "bring it on boys!" she yelled her blue eyes turning from purple to orange as they vamp sped over to her and Kol to attack them. Kol killed two of them by ripping out their hearts and he turned to smack the head off a vampire that dared to touch his arm. Kol turned to check if Davina was okay only to smirk and watch in amazement as she did a back flip and kicked a vampires head clean off. Davina stood back up scanning each and every vampire she held up her hands and twisted and turned her hands in a small motion and a orange/purple spark formed between her hands and two vampires stopped and watched as she twisted the spark in her hands it moved between the movements of her hands. "Anybody else want to try and get me?" she asked her eyes cold and stern ready for anyone who dared to attack her while Kol stood still just simply watching her. Her long brown hair flowed behind her as her eyes were purple and wild with fury and concentration as she balanced an orange/purple spark between her hands waiting to strike anybody who tried to attack her, Kol had never seen anything like it. Kol turned his attention away when a vampire sped over to him seeing he was just standing there watching Davina and as the vampire went to attack him, Kol just punched his head clean off his shoulders. "Alright enough you pillocks! Leave us and tell Marcel you failed" Kol snarled vamp speeding over to Davina's side sighing in relief when she doesn't try to zap him with the spark in her hand. "This isn't over" one vampire said as he looked at his friends who were now lying on the ground dead except for one other who stood beside him "oh but it is over. Your so called King took me on the intent to use me and I don't like to be used. If he knows what is good for him then he will leave me well alone but if he chooses to come after me then I will not hesitate to kill him as I don't tolerate people trying to use me. I am not one to be used so leave and warn your King" Davina warned the two vampires "Marcel will kill you and we will smile as he does so" one vampire dared to speak so Davina smirked and threw the orange/purple spark between her hands right at him "I don't like rude people" she said as she looked at the one vampire that was left "do you want to anger her or challenge her more?" Kol questioned "no" the vampire replied "good then get out of our sight before I kill you" Kol replied the vampire nodded and vamp sped away leaving Kol and Davina alone. "Come on let's continue looking for my scepter" Davina said her eyes returning to their normal blue colour and her hair falling straight as she had her hands down at her sides "you're not going to like what I have to say but I think Marcel has possession of your scepter" Kol said making her scowl "oh great" she replied sarcastically "just think about it. He found you and he took you and hid you away. I very much doubt he would've left your scepter around" he explained "I know I do suspect he has it anyway so tell me where does he live?" she asked "he lives at the Abattoir in the French quarter. I'll take you there" Kol responded "thank you" she replied following the direction Kol was heading "no problem and those moves of yours were pretty cool" he replied "I know, they're some of my best fighting moves" she replied "so you know how to fight and you have this power which literally burns and moves anyone or anything? What else can you do?" Kol asked curiously "ah I'm afraid I can't tell you that buddy. My secrets aren't ones to tell just anybody" she responded with a smirk on her face which Kol was starting to really like on her, he found it sexy when a girl smirked. "Okay what about what you said about your grandfather. You said he's a King and he rules Nine realms" he pointed out "indeed I did" she replied "so that makes you royalty" he said "sort of yes, I am a Princess but I'm only the Princess of one place, I'm the Princess of my realm" she replied "well allow me to get acquaintance to you Princess. Pleasure to meet you your highness" Kol responded stopping and bowing to Davina making her laugh "why the pleasure is all mine" she replied with a smirk as he looked at her. "If you must know I was once a King" he said "oh really?" she asked he nodded "I was. Me and my brothers were the Kings of New Orleans" he replied "all three of you were Kings together at the same time?" Davina questioned with a tilt of her head "we were" he confirmed "why aren't you King's anymore? Were you dethroned?" she asked curiously "we were forced to flee this place and Marcel took advantage by taking our thrones. You see he calls himself King but he's not the real King me and my brothers are the true King's of New Orleans" he explained "well if you need help getting your throne back. I don't mind giving you a helping hand as long as you follow through with helping me get my scepter back and you don't try to betray me because I don't like being betrayed" she said Kol smiled "of course I wouldn't dare think to betray you especially after what I witnessed you do to them vampires" he replied "vampires?" she asked he nodded "yes it's what those men were. I'm also a vampire along with my siblings except for my brother Nik he's both vampire and werewolf" he explained Davina nodded intrigued by the information "I honestly wasn't aware that earth inhabited vampires and werewolves" she responded Kol smirked "well it does. Earth has a lot of vampires and werewolves, we also have witches" he replied "vampires and werewolves are new to me but not witches. I'm quite familiar with them" she said "you are? How?" he asked "a few of them exist in the galaxy except we don't call them witches we call them warlocks or sorcerers" Davina explains Kol nodded "I'm guessing your warlocks don't look like the witches here on earth?" he questioned "no they don't, some of them are actually look pretty ugly but don't dare say that to them face to face as they take it to heart and will try to kill you for it" Davina explained Kol nodded "here the witches look like any other normal person except they tend to be incredibly bitchy and crabby. They don't like vampires very much they don't believe in living forever" Kol replied as they started walking again since they had just been stood talking. "Vampires are immortal. Well if they don't like the concept of immortality then they certainly won't like me" Davina responded "y-you're immortal?" he asked "yes, I've been alive for so long. I was thought of way before New Orleans probably existed. I'm pretty ancient" she replied Kol opened his mouth to ask her just how old she was as he was genuinely curious and he wanted to know how old she was due to personal reasons but as he went to speak he was cut off as Davina gasped. "What's wrong?" he asked "my scepter someone's touching it and they're trying to break it which won't happen because it's made from the strongest of metal and steel plus it was forged in the heart of a dying star" Davina explained Kol frowned at her words "your world is weird" he said Davina rolled her eyes "really? You're calling my world weird? Like your world's so perfect. You just call my world weird because you haven't seen it for yourself but I know you would love it if you got the chance to see what's out there as I'm sure I will come to love this place" Davina replied as they neared the Abattoir making them instantly go quiet as they could hear people talking inside. "Ready to get your scepter back?" Kol asked in a hushed voice "I'm more than ready and if this Marcel guy doesn't willingly give me my scepter then I will take it by force and I will kick his ass" she responded making him chuckle "Marcel's in need of a good ass whooping anyway" he responded making her smirk as they walked closer up to the front door and gave each other a look before going to kick the door open but Kol quickly grabbed her and sped around the corner when he heard his brother Klaus approaching. Kol had his back to the wall and his hand covering Davina's mouth to keep her quiet but he let go when Davina licked his hand and he smirked at her "oh so it's like that now is it?" he asked making her giggle and smirk "oh shush" she whispered "I should get to lick you back for that" he replied "you dare put that tongue anywhere near me and I'll cut it off" she said narrowing her eyes at him making him chuckle and she rolled her eyes "it will be worth it" he replied with a wink causing as she scoffed and turned away from him as she listened out for his brother who was stood at the front door of the Abattoir talking to Marcel. "See you tomorrow Marcel. It's good doing business with you" Klaus said "you too just let me know when you see the girl. She's dangerous and must be killed" Marcel replied "of course" Klaus replied before vamp speeding away and Marcel shut the door. Davina turned to face Kol with a scowl on her face "he's joining up with Marcel to kill me. Are you in on it?" she asked with a snarl "no I swear I'm not. I said I would help you and I've given you no reason to doubt me" he replied pissed off that Klaus had the nerve to go behind his back and conspire with Marcel to kill Davina "he's your brother and I'm just a weird girl that fell from the sky and they aren't wrong. I am dangerous so of course you had to know they were conspiring to kill me" she responded "I had no idea. I never have any part in what my brother does. I told him to not try anything, I told him to back off and leave you alone I swear down Davina" he said not wanting her to blame him for something his brother has done, Davina observed him for a moment before sighing "just help me get my scepter so I can leave this place" she said Kol went to protest against her leaving but he stopped himself and just nodded before following her to the front of the Abattoir swearing to give his brother a little pep talk about going behind his back when they got back to the plantation.

End of chapter. What did you think? Was it any good? Marcel and the witches now know a bit of what Davina can do and they're all after her. Heimdall saw the witches plotting to kill Davina and informed Odin. Odin told Heimdall to not say anything to Loki and Thor. Davina didn't know what a phone was? Did you find it cute when Kol was explaining to her what a phone was and what you do with it? There's going to be some cute flirty moments between Kol and Davina coming up. What about that fighting scene? Kol killed some vampires and Davina kicked some serious ass and killed some vampires with him. Kol witnessed more of Davina's power. Klaus seems to have teamed up with Marcel to find Davina and kill her but is it a trick? Davina's doubting Kol a little bit. What will happen next? Will Davina retrieve her scepter? Stay tuned for more

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Daughter of a trickster God (On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz