Jaded Edges

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It had been a week since Allen had confessed everything to Bookman, allowing the anxiety and fear he had of Cross disappear into the ink of Bookman's notebook. He hadn't spoken to Kanda about it, not yet. Not even Kanda knew the story of his life, or of the demons that had tormented him for so many years. Allen agreed to open a case against Cross, using Lavi, Lenalee, Kanda, and of course, himself, has key witnesses to the abuse. Bookman assured Allen that Cross' influence wouldn't be able to touch him and he had graciously offered to pay for Allen's lawyer which he gladly accepted.

Allen was sitting on Kanda's black sofa, his phone cradled in his hands as he waited with baited breath for Lavi to reply to his text message.

Allen had decided that before he opens up to his friends once and for all, that he clear the air with Lavi. They had never had a proper talk since the break up and Allen wanted to be able to answer any questions he might have had and clear up any anxiety Lavi might have had because of it. As his mind began to wander, his phone lit up with a response from  Lavi. 

He gulped audibly before opening his phone to read the text message, even more nervous than he was while sending the text. 

"Okay. I'll pick you up in 5." that was all the text message read from Lavi. 

Allen didn't bother to reply to the text message as he got up and shoved his phone into his back pocket of his slacks. He slung his coat on as he began to look for his boots, which he could never find for some reason. Allen made it upstairs and knocked on the bedroom door he shared with Kanda, knowing he had been in the shower prior to his conversation with Lavi.

Kanda opened the door, his hair still dripping, a towel around his waist. Allen's face flushed as he looked away, being careful not to make eye contact with Kanda. "I was just wondering if you've seen my boots in there?" He asked sheepishly. Allen wasn't uncomfortable seeing Kanda like this, he was just extremely shy and had never seen anyone else naked.. even though Kanda wasn't naked. He was almost naked. So close to being naked.. like, super naked.

Allen shook his head to clear his thoughts as he looked up at Kanda, who had an amused expression on his face. "I'm surprised you have any blood left in your body with how hard you're blushing right now." 

Allen gaped as Kanda moved aside, pointing towards the small closet. "Your boots are in there, by the way." He said as he disappeared into the bathroom. Allen shook his head furiously as he sat in front of the closet, lacing up his boots as quickly as humanly possible. Shortly after standing up, Kanda came back out but he was dressed this time, his hair still dripping.

Allen motioned for Kanda to sit on the bed which earned a curious glance from the older boy but he complied as he Allen took to drying his hair carefully, his expression a lot more relaxed now. "You'll get sick if you go out with your hair wet." he said as he smiled to himself but Kanda didn't say anything. Kanda wrapped his arms around Allen's waist, drawing him closer as he continued to dry his hair.

After Allen finished, Kanda looked up at him, his expression as blank as always but Allen knew he wasn't being cold. He carefully leaned down and kissed Kanda lightly, allowing his palm to rest against the side of Kanda's face. Kanda returned the kiss as he stood up, before pulling Allen into a tight hug. "Where are you going?" Kanda asked, his breath tickling Allen's ear which made him laugh.

"I'm meeting with Lavi today, I wanted to clear some things up with him." Kanda nodded as he spoke before tilting Allen's head up so they were looking at each other. Allen could feel his pulse speed up, his face becoming warm as he saw the serious expression Kanda wore, his callused thumb carefully stroking Allen's cheek.

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