Chapter Three : Friend Request

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Katie's Pov

Oh my God, this math homework is impossible! All I could do was scream. It's so annoying, why did I have to take this class. That's it, I decided to go take a break and check out what's up on facebook. But then again, what's the point? All I have is family there and a few people from school..

I opened my account, typed in my email address and password. Hmm, three notifications, one message and one friend request? Who could that be? I clicked on it and...

"The hell? How did he find me?" I said aloud. Like everyone, I looked at his Facebook page to see his information. 

Ian Knight

Job Occupation: None

School: Roseville High School

Interests: Basketball, Games, Swimming, Girls, Partying

Age: 17

Relationship Status: Single

I clicked on his photo albums

"You must approve the request in order to see Ian's pictures"

"Damn it, Facebook." I was so annoyed. I wonder if I should approve him? Maybe later, I should continue my homework.

"Kat - Kat! Dinner!!!" My mother yelled after a few minutes.

"Coming!" I yelled back in reply.

"I swear that woman is so loud!" I was stomping down the stairs.

I sat down loving the smell of spaghetti in the air. I love Italian food, they taste so delicious! Although I’m not Italian, I’m Asian. Not the kind of Asian with so chinky-eyed. I'm only like that when I smile. Anyways, the dinner made me excited so I forgot all about the friend request from Ian.

"Kat-Kat, Honey, how's school so far?" My dad asked with a mouthful of spaghetti. I'm amazed that he's such a child when he eats in a grown man's body.

"School was fine." I said plainly chugging down my spaghetti. I love mine with lots of sauce in it.

"Did you know there's a new family in our neighborhood?" My mom said interrupting my dad and I's conversation.

"Oh, really? Who are they?" I asked taking my sweet time eating my food. I swear if I could I’d marry food. Food and sleep are my husband and boyfriend. Or, okay that didn't make sense but they keep me happy.

"I believe it's the Knights family. They have a son about your age, I met his mother at the grocery store. I was thinking we should stop by this weekend to welcome them to the neighborhood. You can make your 'famous' fried oreos for them. They have little kids, if Richel loves them I bet they will too." My mother said as she drank her iced tea.

I choked a little and started coughing when she said 'Knights Family'. I suddenly thought of Ian, he must be new in the neighborhood. Do we have to visit him? I thought to myself, I have enough of that guy for one day.


Ian's Pov

Messaging Katie, Kailey was smashing her banana on my pants.

"Oh my God, Kailey!" I yelled in shock she looked at me with her eyes so wide, she was about to cry. I have banana shit on my pants.

"No! Sorry don't cry, shhh" I said carrying her trying to calm her down before she starts to cry real loud. I feel like a teenage parent, this is not how I want to spend my night. Walking up the stairs I brought Kailey to the bathtub.

"Ivory! Can you give Kailey a bath? I have to cook our dinner before mom and dad gets home." I called to her undressing Kailey. Once Ivory came in to shower her, I went to change my mashed up pants.

"Hey, Ian? Can I cook with you? Mommy always lets me cook with her when I finished my homework" I hear Cian asking me with his tiny voice.

"Sure, come on let's go cook." Carrying him on my back I brought him downstairs telling him to make sure the chicken is filled with a lot of flour so it can be so crunchy. Halfway done cooking, mom and dad came home and I see Kailey running up to them and Cian following along, his face filled with flour.

"Ian Kenneth Knight! Are you cooking?!" To my mother's surprise, yupp I was. I was always the microwave type of guy. Cooking is so messy, but oh well. We sat down and all got ready for dinner. Then I remembered.

"Crap!!" I yelled aloud. My parents staring at me with angry faces, I shouldn't say things like crap in front of my younger siblings.

"What's up with you?" Ivory asked as if she cares.

"I forgot to get the letter from my coach for you guys. I'm kind of nervous that I won't make it into the team." I facepalmed myself.

"Oh don't worry about it son, you can go this whole week, we'll be there to watch every game if you make it in" My dad said encouraging me giving me some motivation to go for it.

"Yeah I’ll do my best tomorrow." I said as we all started our dinner.


Katie's Pov

Finishing up my homework, it's nearly 10pm I forgot I left my Facebook on. I went to check on it Ian Knight. I have a message from Ian Knight.

"Hey, Katie! Or should I say Katherine? LoL it's me, Ian. I know this is somewhat awks but you're the only one I actually know in school, sooo, approve me? If you'd like? :) Since we're lab partners we can help each other, and even math. And shit I gtg, my baby sister just did something disgusting -.- see you at school Katie!"

First thing that came to mind was that she puked on him or something. I smiled to myself, oh why not? I clicked approve and went offline cause I was scared he would want to have a chat. I cleaned up my mess and went back on Facebook to look at his pictures.

"Wow, he has a big family." I said it aloud, talking to myself. Oh my, i'm such a loser.

*Buzz Buzz* My phone started vibrating. I checked to see who texted, it was an unfamiliar number.

I : Hey :) It's Ian.

Oh my gosh, I really did give him my number. My heart pounded scared out of my mind. He was really texting me, at this time?

K : Oh hey, what's up?

I : Nothing much. Did I wake you?

K : Nope, I was just getting ready for bed though why?

I : Oh, nothing. Just checking :) Good night then, sweet dreams. See you tomorrow!

K: Okay, G'night too :)

I saved his number in my contacts as 'Ian Knight' obviously. That was pretty random though, I still wonder why is he acting this way. Anyways, I got ready for bed and I fell asleep with the music on.


Ian's Pov

I stared at my phone, it had been just a few minutes since her last message. I didn't know what to reply back so I didn't, I should let her sleep. Her name in my contacts is a simple ' K :) ' with a smiley face, it's easier to tell that it's her that way.

*Buzz Buzz* My phone vibrated in my hand, my heart skipped I thought it was her, but it wasn't, it was Daniel.

D : Hey bro, you busy saturday? Since try-outs end friday and we'll be too tired, the guys wanted to go for a little party, you in?

I : Nah bro, i can't go. We're still moving in and this saturday is when i have to move boxes and shit.

D : Need help? I could ask the guys to come over?

I : It's okay, thanks though. Hey i'm gonna hit the sheets. I'll just see you tomorrow.

D : Kk's!

I looked at the time, going to be a busy week this week. I set my alarm and went to bed.

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