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Adeela's POV

"Sister.sister,where are you"the twins came running inside my room shouting my name
"For God sake leave me alone" I know what they are going to say is nothing than what Adda's kayan lefe look like(clothing materials that the groom presents to his bride well arranged in boxes or bags)

I was in school when her fiancé relatives brought it and when I came in I was so tired to even ask about it,Adda is two years older than me,she graduated from university last year and I am in my last year and about to write my final exams,our marriage date is fixed but my own kayan lefe is not ready I guess,the wedding is taking place in a month time.The twins Afrah and Aairah are about to write their waec exams,they are three years younger than I am.We have an elder brother, Ya Aalim whom we love and cherish,he's out of the country for work but promise to come back a week to our wedding,our mother is a woman with a heart made of gold,she raised the five of us on her own because we lost our father eight years ago,he died in a plane crash,he was my only hero "Sister" The twins brought me out of my thought.

"What the hell are you still doing here, you scared me,why are you behaving like this?". this children are very troublesome
"Always thinking of Ya sulaiman,later you will say you don't love him much kina so kina kaiwa kasuwa(you love him and pretend like you don't)”. Aairah said and they both started laughing,this girls can be funny,I've even forgotten about him,wait don't get me wrong because he's my happiness,my nurul ayn,my husband to be,I just Wasn't thinking about him,they developed the habit of calling him yaya since after the engagemant
"Will you two get out of my sight?". I said hoping they'll just leave me alone.
"No sister. believe me, today you're in Adda's trouble,she said you promise to contact her and failed" Afrah said laughing.
"Ya salam" I muttered in a low voice but it's like they've heard me because they started laughing ,I carry pillow and get up to hit them but they ran out of the room. I've promise to contact Adda and tell her every details about her kayan lefe but I haven't see it. She's not even in the house because traditionally, when your lefe is about to be brought,you won't be allow to stay in the house.So, she went over to Anty Farida's place to stay.I rush downstairs to Ammi's room and see her on the prayer mat,she look worried
"Ammi what's wrong with you" I asked sitting down beside her.
"Adeela,I just can't believe you two are leaving,I wish your father is alive to witness the day of your marriage,the marriage is in a month time but to me it's like tomorrow "

"Ammi,we are not leaving you,we'll still be with you,marriage is not death" I said pulling my Ammi into a hug and trying hard not to cry.
"You are my baby you know" She asked and I only nod my head" The day you two were engaged,I thought the day will never come but the moment I saw Adda's kayan lefe,I knew it's all coming to an end and very soon yours will be here too,when you get married,obey your husband.don't ever argue or try to take a fight with him,knows that your jannah lies under his feet,only if you do all this shall you find peace and happiness fid duniya wal akhira" Ammi pulled me out of the hug and touch my cheek,that is when I realised I've been crying,she wipe away my tears.God I love this woman,please protect her wherever she is.I ask of Adda's lefe and she pointed to a corner. I walked to the place and saw twelve boxes(one dozen) I open them all and all I could say is masha Allah because everything is just perfect,then a small box caught my eye,I open it and behold is a key. Adda must hear this right away,I rush upstairs to my room and dial Adda's number and she picked at first ring “Where the hell have you been,you promised to give me a call" I apologise and tell her everything,I didn't realised I've been shouting until she hang up on me.I started wondering what mine would look like,just then my phone started ringing bringing me out of my thought,I check to see an unknown number,I knew who it is,I answer"Assalamu Alaikum"
Wa'alaikumussalam,how are you doing"
"I am fine.Alhamdulillah.Please Ahmad why can't you understand the fact that I am engaged and getting married soon"

"Just pray for me,my heart can't seem to let you go and please stop telling me you're getting married.I've heard that from thousands of people today. Goodbye" he said and hang up.I just don't know what to do,this guy have been disturbing me long before I even met sulaiman,and still after knowing I am engaged, he still can't seem to let me be.

Hey guys, As you know,this is my first time writing here😚 So,please do support a sister🦋

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