20. Some people are just beautifully wrapped boxes of shit

Start from the beginning

“Jack has a crush on a guy called Dylan who’s standing over there and he’s working up the courage to ask him out!” Kris shouted out. 

“WHAT!?” Cas screamed. “OMO! OMO! OMO! What are you waiting for Jack go ask him out!” Jack was just glaring at Kris as she smirked back at him. “Jack I swear to god you go and ask him out or I shall murder you in your sleep and feed you your own foot!” 

Jack and Kris just stared at the slightly insane Korean obsessed girl with a mixture of disbelief, shock, and for jack: fear. “Dude, what the fuck?” Kris stated. “The dude’s pissing his pants as it is no need for you to be a Pratt and scare him too.”  

“Sorry,” Cas mumbled. 

“You are not forgiven!” Jack squealed and flicked the girl’s nose. Kris held in her laugh. “Ok this is it,” Jack said and stood up suddenly. “I’m going to go and get myself a boyfriend.” Jack rubbed his fingers through his hair and popped a tic-tac in his mouth so his breath smelt minty. 

“Whoop! Whoop! Go Jack!” Kris and Cas screamed together. They watched as the bleached haired boy made his way towards the one with the buzz cut. Dylan seemed to suddenly start fiddling with his lip ring as he noticed Jack was getting closer to him. Jack was not sure the boy was nervous or trying to distract himself because he could not believe that the ‘faggot’ was coming over to talk to him. 

“He looks nervous and he’s blushing,” Cas whispered excitedly. 

“He looked like that before he went over there,” Kris said referring to Jack. 

“I’m talking about the other one! What was it you said his name was?” Cas asked with a frown. 

“Dylan!?” Kris gasped. “Dylan looks nervous? Really? Oh my god! There are too many feels to comprehend!” Kris looked over and realised that if she looked close enough she could see a faint blush peppering Dylan’s cheeks. Aw, that was incredibly cute. 

A small little red headed girl started to make her way towards the table were the school misfits were sited observing there friend trying to get a boyfriend. She was nervous. The red head had heard that the new girl was somewhat intimidating and the Cas was an insane bitch that lied about things. She was sweating and wishing she had not lost at rock paper scissors so she would not have to fetch them. 

“Um excuse me?” she stuttered. Suddenly Kris and Cas whipped there heads in her direction. Cas stood up and crossed her arms looking defensive, just as Kris swivelled on her bum and dangled one of her legs off the table and the other crushed up against her chest. She cocked her head to the side and looked the girl up and down. 

“Hello there,” Kris smirked. “Can we help you?” she asked politely. The red head broke out in sweats. 

“Uh, you’re… you’re Kristin Reeds and Cassandra Hopper, correct?” the red head knew they were but she wanted to say something that made her look less nervous. 

“Yes,” Cas said coldly. 

“And yes,” Kris added. 

“Okay that’s good, um you guys know that you’re up for um… you knows, prom queen?” she asked nervously. Kris and Cas shared a look. They were both thinking about messing around with the five-foot nothing red head but thought better of it. The girl looked like she was about to soil herself just being in there presence. 

“We heard something about it,” Kris grimaced. Cas clicked her fingers awkwardly. 

“Yeah well, I kind of need you to come with me to the gymnasium,” the red head said. 

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