48: The party of hell

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We woke up and got ready, I asked Reneke if she wanted to join us but she wasn't even talking to me. I told her to keep everything locked and where we were going.

Thereafter we left to get some breakfast at the diner. I must say being his girlfriend has its perks. I get spoilt way too much, not complaining but I'm afraid I'll get too comfy with.

After getting breakfast we went to school. I said goodbye and left to get my things. I ran into the group and stopped to tell them what happened yesterday.

"(Amelia) You don't have to talk to me but just so you know Shane sexually assaulted Reneke yesterday. So, I guess that doesn't make me a liar after all. I hope you all feel like shit you didn't believe me and now Reneke got hurt due to your selfish at of believing him and not me."

"(Tony) He did what? Is she okay?"

"No, she's not how would you feel if something like that happened to you? You won't be okay and happy now would you. And don't act like you care now. It's a little too late for that now, don't you think?"

I was too worried about Reneke and they were pretending they cared. I didn't have time for this so I turned around and left. I decided to phone the hospital to check in on Shane's state. The hospital informed me that he was in critical condition in a coma. I pretended that I cared and even faked crying.

I went into class and there he was. My man was siting talking to his friends.

"(Amelia) Hey, babe."

"(Zac) Hey, where have you been?"

"Oh, you know here and there, everywhere."

"Seems someone is really popular."

"Seems so."

"If they bother you, I can tell them to stop."

"No, it's fine really."

"If you say so, oh I forgot to tell you since this year is almost over, we're having a party at my place and I need your help setting everything up."

"Okay sure."


I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before taking in my seat. The class was boring I'll admit, finals were done and the only thing missing was an amazing holiday. The party though is a great start.

After completing my worksheet, I gave it to the teacher and left. As in I got up and walked out, no just joking the bell rang. Second, and third was not much fun-filled either. We now had lunch and Zac's table became my table.

I was going crazy with people asking questions and the looks I got from the girls were terrifying. Who knew that dating the school's all-time bad boy would attract so much attention. In all my previous schools I didn't have this problem because I stayed away from the bad kids.

Now I'm afraid I've started becoming one myself. Not complaining just saying I've become what I used to avoid. Anyway, lunch was interesting, our boy Walter had his eye on a girl. He also asked her to come to the party tonight, should be fun.

The rest of the day was pretty boring. We went to get the house ready for the party. Not going to lie it was work, so much preparation for one night. I went upstairs to finish up. I was sitting shirtless about to do my make up when Zac came in.

"Hey babe what are you doing?"

"Hey well, I was about to get ready before you came in."

"I'm just going to shower quickly."

"Okay, no problem."

"Want to join?"

"I could but I have a better idea."

I got up and walked closer to him. Took his shirt off and whispered that's better.

"That's better."

I then leaned and kissed him, he, of course, took this to his advantage and picked me up before entering the bathroom.

"I said I can't shower with you."

"Why not you're my girlfriend after all."

"Doesn't matter."

"Why is it such a big deal? I know we've never slept together but we have shared an intimate moment not so long ago if you remember."

"I know but still. You've seen me in my underwear but less than that no."

"And your point is?"

"We can't do this."

"Fine whatever won't push you. I can see you haven't fully changed."

"Hey, that's called pure pressure not fair."

"No, it's not. You still haven't hanged fully. Where's that confident rebel I got to know?"

"You want me to shower with you, fine I'll do it just to prove to you that I have fully changed."

"No, no leave it."

"Are we going to shower or not?"

I started undressing while he stood there smirking. He was secretly enjoying this I knew it, that's how he is.

"What are you waiting for or are you scared."

"Scared of what you, please don't flatter yourself."

"Then start undressing, we're going to shower. That was what you wanted to do right?"

"Yeah absolutely."

"Should I help you or leave the choice is yours?"

"Help would be appreciated if you don't mind."

"Not at all."

Goss what was I doing, I am about to shower with my boyfriend. So not me but I have to admit it's fun. Here I am standing in the bathroom with nothing but underwear on helping my boyfriend to undress. He was undressed and in the shower.

"Are you coming?"


I finished undressing and got in. The water was welcoming but so was Zac's touch against my skin. I turned around to find that he was looking into my blue eyes with his icy blue ones. Damn, I could drown in the possible even get lost.

After showering we got dressed. I've never felt so comfortable around a guy before. I mean for crying out loud I showered with my boyfriend. Anyway, I did my makeup and finished up. I went down stairs and ushered the people in.

The party was now in full swing and there were drunk people everywhere. I was mostly with Zac and them but to be honest I need the bathroom. So, I told him I was just going to the bathroom. I got to his room used the bathroom and made my way back to him.

I was still worried about Reneke. At least she was at home now. I went with her and her parent when they opened a case against Shane. Not that he would be there anytime soon because he was in a coma. Little did they know it was me that put him in that hospital bed.

I pushed the thought aside and enjoyed the rest of my night. The party finished, we cleaned and went to bed. Today was one hell of a day. I had so much to deal with. But seeing Reneke's face as she told the police everything broke my heart. It made me want to drive to the hospital and just switch off his machines.

"What's up, babe."

"Nothing just tired that's all."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, can we just sleep please."

"Sure thing."

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