42: Be mine

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Zac has been texting me for most of the morning. I hate being away from him, it makes my heart ache not having him with me constantly. I got ready but I didn't dress as usual. I had black jeans on with a white crop top, heels and a leather jacket. My make up was darker than usual. I and I had a black wig with curls on and off I went.

Did I forget to mention that my nails had black nail polish on them? I went full out with my new look I was determined to prove him wrong

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Did I forget to mention that my nails had black nail polish on them? I went full out with my new look I was determined to prove him wrong. Even my backpack was black, it felt good to look bad. Can't wait to see their faces when they see me. They thought I couldn't do it but now I have to get into trouble. An outfit wasn't going to do it.

I drove to school and made my way over to my locker. As soon as I had my things I went to class. As I got there, I saw Zac glancing at me, I was smart I took a different seat just to make sure he didn't realize it was me. Boy he is going to be shocked when he finds out it's me. Class started and we got worksheets but instead of doing my work I sat in class on my phone. I wanted to make this work I was going to need to change the way I do things.

Once class ended, I made my way outside. I saw the boys catching up with me. They stopped me to talk, once again I was smart, I talked with an accent. Luckily that was my strong point, I also changed my name you know. There was no chance that he would know it's me. I mean different outfit, a black-haired wig with curls, contact lenses that make my eyes look green and an accent freak in smart.

I must say I'm so pleased with myself. I couldn't have done this any better.

"(Walter) Hey, are you new around here?"

"(Amelia) Yes well, I'm only here for the day."

"A day, why?"

"Oh, my school sent me here to learn a different curriculum, part of a project."

"That's cool what's your name?"


"Well nice to meet you Audrey, I'm Walter."

"Nice to meet you and your friends are?"

"This is Zac, Mason, and Rich."

"Nice to meet you, boys."

"So where are you from?"

"Oh, Virginia."

"That's great, what high school are you from?"

"South lakes high School."

"Oh, I've heard of that place, great by the way."

"Zac you seem to be troubled, why?"

"His girl is nowhere to be found."

"His girl?"


"Oh well, I do hope you find her, anyway if you'll excuse me, I have to go to my locker before class."

"Yeah, sure see you around."

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