19: Rebound

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I woke up and got out of bed. It took time since I had no reason to get up. I just wanted to stay home and sleep but I had no choice. I got ready dressing in sweat pants and a hoodie with white converse.

I ate breakfast and cleaned before leaving I went to finish tying my hair and I tried concealing the dark circles from lack of sleep under my eyes but failed. So, I gave up and left for school, I honestly didn't care anymore. I didn't need to because the only person that would realize hates me.

I then left for school and put on music to distract myself from thinking about him. Goodness damn you Zac Dempsey for being a God damn Greek God. If he wasn't so handsome, I could forget him but no he had to be.

I arrived at school and went to my locker collecting my things. I then made it to first where I saw Zac with someone. When I got closer, I saw it was some random girl. I was hurt I still am but I deserved this, I brought it upon myself.

So, I did the not so logical thing and left, I wasn't going to sit there watching him hurt me any whether. On my way out, Zayn called out to me and I saw Zac turning to me, he had a smirk planted on his God damn face.

"Really Zayn why?"

"What's wrong let's go inside."

"No, I want to leave."

"What's going on and why do you have dark circles under your eyes?"

"What do you think. It's my fault I fucking messed up and I deserve what's happening."

"Oh, you mean that girl and Zac yeah it surprised me to and you're right you deserve this treatment because you did the exact same thing to him."

"On who's side, are you?"

"Neither one."

"Why are you encouraging his behavior?"

"We talked Amelia he's hurt, scared."

"Scared why?"

"He doesn't want to lose you but that's what's happening."

"Why didn't he talk to me."

"That's the problem he did but you refused to listen, you thought you were smart. Not so smart after all come let's go inside. You can't run you have to face the mess you made."

"No Zayn please. And I tried talking to him he won't let me."

"No come. The problem is you tried when it was too late, when too much damage was done."

He forced me and I had no choice he was right I made this mess and running won't help. So, I went and sat down not saying anything.

"For once you keep quiet, changes still happen. Why so quiet got nothing to say?"

I kept quiet and just got up leaving. I could say something but it wouldn't matter cause his little toy just laughed and he did the same. Did I really deserve this? Was I that bad of a person, what did I do wrong?

Science went by I mostly spent it outside crying, when Shane showed up.

"(Amelia) What do you want?"

"I(Shane) I saw what Zac said."

"And it's not like you care, you're not the one getting all the shit."

"I might not be but I can see it hurts you."

"Do me a favor just leave me alone for a while."

"No come here."

He hugged me and I felt the tears streaming down my face. I was one hell of a mess and I was mostly to blame. I should have stopped Shane but I didn't. Now here we are, I'm broken crying on someone's shoulder and all they can do is comfort me.

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