39: Should I change?

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Waking up to an alarm screaming in your ears is so not the way I would like to wake up. This only meant I had to get ready for the long day ahead of me, talk about torture.

I had breakfast and went to school. Got my things from my locker and went to class. History was pretty boring I still couldn't understand why I had taken this subject it literally didn't make sense.

I took my seat and waited for class to start, a couple of minutes later Zac came in and greeted but this greeting wasn't the same. He didn't call me princess or babe or any of those things. I also noticed how he seemed distant like he was here but at the same time he wasn't.

"(Zac) Morning."

"(Amelia) Morning Zacky."

Silence there was utter silence.

"What's up? You seem distant."

"I'm not distant just tired that's all."

"You sure."

"Yeah 100% positive."

"If you say so."

"What now you don't believe me!"

"Geez, Zac don't yell at me I've done nothing to you okay, I only wanted to help but clearly you don't want my help!"


"Save it I don't want to hear it you can speak to me when you're in a better mood."


"Leave me alone Zac."

It hurt me saying that but I couldn't let him walk over me just like that. You can't be rude to me and get away with it that's not how it works. He kept quiet, I guess he got the message. Class was pretty boring we got work and homework. Finals were around the corner as well.

So much stress on a person to do good. Anyway, the period ended second and so did third. Third was interesting, Zayn was making out with a girl in class. A girl and Zayn wow what do you know miracles happen.

"(Amelia) Where did you find her?"

"(Zayn) I didn't she found me."

"I didn't sum you up as a bad boy you know."

"I may not look like one but that doesn't mean I can't be one."

"I'm not judging just saying."

"Don't act so surprised darling."

"I am because you got a girl."

"Listen, darling, a lot of girls throw themselves at me but they don't have what I want."

"And I'm taking a wild guess but she does?"

"Oh, darling she's got it all. She brings out the better in me."

"Well, that's good. That means she's the right person for you."

"Well, we'll see about that."

"You know I'm right."

"No, we'll see if you are that's great but I'm not putting any hope on it just yet."

"As long as you keep her around. Don't go screwing every single girl. She might just be the one and you won't want to fuck that up now, would you?"

"When did you start giving out relationship advice?"

"I didn't I'm only making a statement."

"Okay if you say so."

I left and took in my seat I could see the chemistry between Zayn and that girl. Get it chemistry in the science class you know what never mind. Zac came in and he looked pissed off. I didn't ask because I was scared, he would yell at me for no reason like this morning.

You and MeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora