8: Why?

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Upon arriving at school, I went straight to my locker. I saw Zac standing there it was unlike him to do something like that. Well, I guess there's a first for everything. More importantly why was he here?

"Morning princess, did you sleep well?"

"Morning, yeah and you?"

"Same, so how are you?"

"Good and you?"

"Good, so the ribs feeling better?"

"Yeah, their fine, may I ask why you're here?"

"Simple I wanted to see you."


"And nothing, sorry about Saturday night I'm not sure what I was thinking."

"Yeah, sure no problem, if you can excuse me I need to get to class. If you don't mind?"

"Yeah sure, I don't mind your free to go."

Why that hurt I don't know it was like I expected him to stop me or something. I could see he didn't want me to leave but I did as he said. I hoped that what happened Friday would change things but it didn't. Damnit Amelia your stupid why did you think that a kiss could change anything. He is still as cold as the day you met him, nothing's changed and nothing will.

I made my way to first and listened to the teacher blabbing. After the teacher stopped, she gave out worksheets. I sat there completing my worksheet and then the bell rang at the end of the period and I found myself on my way to second. Second went by and so did third soon it was lunch.

On my way to the cafeteria, I walked past Zac and his friends. He said nothing but that smirk was enough to tell me exactly what I needed to know. I made my way over to the table were, I saw Justin and Meg being all lovey dovey. I'm guessing he asked her out, well it looked like it.

"Hey guys how are you all doing?"

"Hey, we're good and you (everybody spoke at the same time)."

"Can't complain."

"So, what happened on Friday tell me everything (Meg is speaking)."

"We left, went to a party then we went home and watched movies."

"A party your joking!"

"Never, I'm serious."

"You Amelia Collins went to a party."


"Tell me everything."

"We arrived got drinks, I had I don't know how much, got drunk went outside and got sober again. Got myself in a sticky situation and Zac ended up punching someone so we left the end. "

"Who did he punch and why?"

"Ryan because he started touching me."

"No way Zac punched Ryan, that's news."

"Where the fuck is Ryan?"

"Why are you asking Tony?"

"It seems to me that he needs to learn a lesson or two."

"No Tony please leave it, he was drunk anyway he won't remember it."

"Ryan you fucking asshole."

"Tony please!!!!"

I could off, said nothing cause when I said something he didn't listen anyway. So, I left, why he had to make a scene only he would know. When I turned around, I saw him punching Ryan. It was too much and I just wanted to leave so I made my way down the hall to my next class. Just as I went around the corner, I felt strong arms around my waist.

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