41:I can't be something I'm not

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I got up and got ready, going through my usual routine. I went to school and got my things from my locker. I saw Zac waiting for me, a few months ago I would say that this was unlike him but I guess I got used to him being around me. It's like if he's not there I feel empty.

Fine I'll admit it I fell and I fell hard. Can you blame me though, I guess sort of but, whatever.

"(Amelia) Morning Zacky."

"(Zac) Princess."

"What brings you to my locker of all places."

"Wanted to see you, is that a sin?"

"No, no it's not it's just."


"Never mind."

"Wait princess are you complaining about me being here?"

"Nah why would I ever want to do that?"

"Just asking."

"Whatever can I get to my locker please."


"No, forget it."

"Come on don't tell me you don't want to kiss me."

"Kiss you, not after yesterday. You seemed pissed off and I don't like that side of you."

Why I wasted my breath only I would know because he kissed me anyway. It's not like he ever listens to me anyway. So, we kissed, broke the kiss and went to class. Yet again another test, I guess it's one closer to being done but still.

It drains me like, I don't even know how to explain it honestly. Class started and ended, on my way to second, I bumped into Ryan. Boy, he wasn't happy to see me because literally 5min later,I found myself shoved against a wall pulled back up just to be shoved down the stairs.

I felt the ground beneath me and saw blood flowing from my mouth. I also felt Zac's hands on me as tried to wake me up. He went straight and I just saw Ryan landing next to me. Zac came over and beat him up badly.

"(Zac) If you ever fucking touch her and I mean ever again I will fucking kill you got it!!!!"

"(Ryan) Fuck you Zac!!"

"Get out of my fucking sight."

"Watch her they know. Their coming for her it's just a matter of time"

I eventually woke up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up. Great if it's not my ribs it's my mouth, talk about a split lip. I honestly wish that asshole would just go away he's so damn annoying.

My head was pounding and running around with what I just heard. I knew something was up. But I just pushed the thought aside. I'm done hearing excuses.

I went to class and apologized for being late. I didn't see Meg and the guys anywhere, come to think of it I haven't seen them in a while actually.

They didn't say anything about being absent from school. I would have known if they had said something for sure. Just as the bell rang, they showed up saying they came from gym. The teacher bought the excuse but me, on the other hand, didn't.

They only had gym at the end of the day, I knew this because I have seen their time tables. So where could they have been and what could they possibly have done. I was caught off guard when the teacher gave me a test to complete.

The test was though not going to lie, I was now on my way to third. On my way there Zac got hold of me. This guy can't wait for one minute without having his hands on me. I like it I really do as crazy as it is. Amelia Collins has fallen for the schools, bad boy.


"Goodness princess you got to stop being so damn hot."

"And for what reason?"

"You're kind of a distraction, it's like when you're around I can't focus Amelia Collins."

"Is it a bad thing."

"No not for one moment, why would you think that?"

"Because to me, it sounds like you're complaining."

"Never but seriously are we going to stand around or are you going to give me what I want."

"I'm guessing we're just going to forget what happened this morning."

"I sorted Ryan out he'll stay away. What more is there to sort out?"

"Okay so we're going to completely ignore what he said."

"Look he doesn't know what he's talking about just ignore him he's confused."

"That or you're lying to me. Who was he talking about?"

"Let it go Amelia, I said it was nothing."

"Answer my fucking question Zac. I'm done listening to bullshit excuses!"

"I ran into some trouble with a group of people a long time ago. The girl I used to see got in the way and she got hurt. She's still alive but I haven't seen her in years. You probably remind him of her. And you don't have to worry I sorted the trouble out you're safe."

"Thank you."

I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his lips. We reached class and went inside taking our seats. I felt better now that he was honest with me. All I can hope for is that he laid it all out on the table and that nothing else is hidden.

Class started and ended I was on my way to lunch. I sat done but still saw my friends nowhere. Eating my lunch in peace sucked, I missed the conversations with my friends. Zac and them joined me eventually which was really nice.

"(Amelia) So, I need your opinions on something."

"(Walter) On what?"

"I need to make a life changing decision."

"Okay go ahead."

"If I were to change the type of person I am would you guys still like me?"

"Depends on the change."

"Let's say I wanted to give in to the dark side. You know like embrace my inner baddie. Would that be so bad?"

"No not necessarily. But before you do it make sure you want to and that it's really what you want."

"(Zac) I don't think you have to change I like you for who you are. Not saying I won't accept it is just don't think you have it in you."

"So. you don't think I have it in me to be bad?"

"No, I don't you're too pure."

"Is that so, thanks for your opinion."

"It's a pleasure princess."

"What if I were to prove you wrong?"

"You prove me wrong, sounds like a challenge and I like challenges."

"Well, maybe it is one."

"In that case challenge accepted."

I had nothing to hide I was determined to prove him wrong. I knew I had what it takes to be bad. We all have it in us some just choose to keep that side hidden, were all born rebels. Some live up to it others choose not to as simple as that.

Anyway, lunch was pretty busy and the rest of the day quiet. I went home finished homework and just relaxed. My mom wasn't home yet, not that I was surprised I expected it you know she's always working.

I cooked, ate and cleaned. I went to bed at eight once again not saying good night to her because she still hasn't come home. Today was crazy not going to lie but it was okay I made it through.

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