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I woke up with Zac's arms around me. It felt good I'd admit like legit not even lying. I then got up head downstairs and made coffee, I then went upstairs and saw him sitting up waiting for me.

"Why did you leave my arms?"

"To bring you coffee."

"No amount of coffee could ever make me feel the way you make me feel princess."

"Zacky stop it."





"Fine, next time remember to not get up because cuddles would be appreciated."

"I'll be sure to remember."

I gave him his coffee and he finished it, he then got ready while I finished my coffee. After he finished, I got ready and we went down stairs to get some breakfast. He cooked and I waited very patiently.

After he finished, we ate cleaned up and went to school. I was wearing the cream dress with golden chains that he bought. Goodness I loved this dress but more importantly I loved him.

We then left for school and I decided to put on some music. We ended up singing along to the music and it was so much fun. I must say I liked seeing this side of Zac, he's nasty side was not a very nice one.

When we arrived, I went and got my things from my locker. As I got there, I saw Meg and the guys waiting for me unlike them.

"Hey guys."

"(Everybody) Morning."

"Why are you here?"

"(Meg speaks) We wanted to ask if you were okay since you know everything that's been going on."

"Yeah I'm good."

"(Meg) Sure?"


"Good see you at lunch."

"See you."

They left and I got my things leaving for class. Class came and went so did second and third. I now was on my way to lunch when I bumped into Zac, omg he was wearing glasses. When? Where? How? Why?


"What you going on about?"

"You, glasses when?"

"Oh, when I wasn't in class it's because I went to get them."

"When were you planning to tell me?"

"Did I need to, we're not exactly together."

"Doesn't matter."

"It does."

"Just tell me one thing do you like them."

"What! I love them you look so cute."

"Now princess, let's not say things like that we wouldn't want to make out in front of everyone."

"If you say so."

"See you later alligator."

"Wait Zacky."

I then gave him a quick kiss and left. He looked so damn cute with his glasses it wasn't even funny. I then went to lunch and enjoyed it.

"(Meg) Hey are you coming."

"To where?"

"(Tony) The tracks silly."

"Oh yeah sure."

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