30: More decisions

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Trigger warning

Sexual assault is mentioned.

Kindest regards the author


I went through with my daily routine and made my way to school. Luckily, I didn't have to pick anyone up so I could go straight to the place of torture. I swear that school is like a prison not that I would know what a prison is like but just saying.

The drive was quiet and I soon arrived at school, parked went to my locker and to first. On my way there I met up with Meg and the guys. Come to think of it I can't remember the last time we had spent quality time together like you know just us. With the whole Shane and Zac thing I've been really distracted.

Now that I think of it, I haven't seen Shane or Zac yet. It was strange since Zac always made an effort to come and greet me. Maybe he was absent today. Shane on the other hand I couldn't care about. If he went missing it would be a blessing. But just as soon as I got excited, he popped up out of nowhere.

Seriously can't he just crawl back under the rock he came from. I hate being alone around him where was Zac? I went the opposite direction of Shane just to avoid him. Maybe I should just become a bad bitch, that was he'll stay away from me. Hell, a lot less people will try and look for trouble with me.

I immediately cut that thought of I couldn't possibly want to be bad it's not who I'm meant to be it can't be. No Amelia don't even consider it for one moment not going to happen you hear me? Maybe not now but eventually. I soon reached class made my way over to my seat.

Class started and ended so did second and third and I went to the cafeteria as usual. Had lunch went through more painful classes and I now was on my way home. Shane had asked me if I wanted to join him for dinner at a restaurant and I told him to fuck off. I refuse to spend time alone with him, not over my dead body.

So, when I got home, I ate lunch and finished my homework. My parents finally decided to put work aside and spend time with me.

"(Dad) Shall we order pizza. Or do you ladies want something else?"

"(Mom) No pizza sounds great."

"(Amelia) I don't care what we eat as long as I get food to feed my stomach I won't complain."

"(Dad) Pizza it is then. You ladies are in charge of popcorn and movies. I'll order the pizza."

"(Amelia) I'll pop the popcorn. Mom can pick the movie."

"(Mom) Don't forget the hot coco. Would be absolutely divine."


The pizza arrived and the night was a success. My parents ended up going to bed early. Reneke let me know that they were on their way to pick me up.

"(Reneke) Get dressed we're coming to fetch you. There's a live concert at this one bar and Zayn got us all free tickets."

"(Amelia) I don't feel like going out. Can't you take someone else with."

"I won't take no for any answer. Get dressed or I'll force dress you. Your choice."

"Fine give me 5 minutes."

"I'll give you two minutes. Time waits for no man."

"That's too little, beauty takes time."

"Stop texting me and get finished you're wasting time for no reason."

"Okay, okay text me when you guys are outside."

"Will do. Snappy finish."

I got dressed plain jeans and just pulled a hoodie over my head. I didn't have time to still look for a shirt to fit my jeans. I tied my hair in a bun and put my sneakers on.


"On my way."

I rushed down the stairs, grabbed my keys and left without waking up my parents.

"(Amelia) How'd you get the tickets Zayn?"

"(Zayn) I have a good friend that works at the bar, he hooked me up."

"(Amelia) Well that's so nice of him."

"I guess this is his way of repaying me. He borrowed some money a while ago and couldn't pay me back."

"(Reneke) That's one way to pay your debt.""

We got to the bar and ordered drinks. Justin and Meg already got us front tow seats so we don't have to worry about not being able to see the band. They had some pretty nice music. I was actually enjoying myself up till the point that Shane dragged me through the crowd.

He pushed me into a corner and tried his luck once again. He held my hands behind my back with his one hand while his other hand slid inside my jeans. Before he could think of doing something I kneed him. His hand let go of my hands and covered his genitals.

I took this as my chance the knee the in the face. He went tumbling to the ground. As soon as he fell, I kicked him repeatedly.

"You bastard how dare you. How, fucking dare, you pull that shit again. I hate you, I fucking hate you. I never want to see you ever again, you hear me?! "

He didn't know what hit him or where to shield himself. I kicked where ever I got chance to. If Zac beating him up didn't teach him a lesson, this sure will.

I felt arms wrap around me and pull me away from him. His face was bloody from his broken nose and he coughed blood.

(Zac) Amelia, stop you'll kill him do you really want to live with that for the rest of your life?"

"(Amelia) Let go of me. Let me finish him off, I don't care if he dies. He had his hands down my pants!"

"Come let's go. I'll take you home. If she hadn't done a number on you already, I would have finished you off myself."

I just wanted to get into bed my foot hurt like hell and tears streamed down my face as I remembered what just happened. Zac pulled up at the police station. What were we doing here?

"(Amelia) This isn't my house."

"(Zac) I know. I'll be right back."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm filling a report for sexually assault against him."

"Please don't the ops will involve my parents and this will turn into one big mess for nothing."

"No, it won't because I'm not mentioning your name. I'll tell them I witnessed what happened, cam e to your rescue and you begged me not to mention your name. You'll be anonymous. He has to learn that actions have consequences. I'm not letting him get away with this."

"He'll get jail time and that will ruin his future."

"I don't care he should have thought about that before he pulled a move on you."

"But I beat him up. That will count against me, won't it?"

"You protected yourself and it's your word against his."

He entered the police station and came back a few minutes later. We ended up spending the night at his place. He doctored my foot he took off my hoodie told me to sit down and took of my jeans.

He helped me dress and washed my bloody clothes. I was fast asleep when he came to bed. I just wanted to forget about what happened.

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