36: Unbelievable

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I woke up in this black t-shirt and best of all next to him. What better way to wake up than this, I had to get out of bed but I didn't want to I only wanted to cuddle. Hell, I wanted to stay home with him the whole day, I didn't want to go to school.

"Morning princess."

"Morning Zacky."

"Happy to see you stayed in bed."

"Yeah, I didn't feel like getting out."

"That makes me even happier but we now have to get up or we'll be late."

"Can't we just skip school today?"

"You Amelia Collins want to skip school."

"Yes, is it that bad."

"No, it's not and do what the whole day."

"I don't know? Watch movies and cuddle."

"Now we're talking."

"So, you game or are you to chicken?"

"Me chicken please princess you don't know what you're talking about."

"You sure."



We just laid there talking and cuddling. I can't believe it I'm being bad I would never do this. Ever since me and Zac have been I guess something I've felt the need to change. Is it bad a 100% yes I shouldn't want to change, we're supposed to grow and change together.

It scares me just thinking about it. Change what does it mean, is it good or bad, does it have consciences, does it make you a better person or not. All these questions were running through my head and it was driving me insane. Zac noticed me being very tense, I could feel it because his grip got tighter.

"What you thinking about in that pretty little mind of yours."

"Ah, nothing."


"I'm serious."

"Talk to me I want to help."

"Okay fine I was thinking about well..."

"About what?"

"About how I decided to stay home and skip school, I've never done anything like this and it scares me because what if I am busy changing."

"You might be but it's not bad princess."

"You sure."

"Yes 100% you're just living life to the fullest."

"I don't know if I want to change though."

"Okay listen if you change so be it."

"That's the problem, what if it is bad."

"Then it is."

"I don't want to be bad Zacky."

"Being bad is nice princess, it's not all that bad."

"It is I'm supposed to be able to not give in to these changes but here I am giving in."

"Don't be so hard on yourself."

"I have to, I can't allow these changes to affect me."

"If you say so."

We turned silent and continued watching the movie. After the fifth movie, I got up and went outside to get some fresh air. He didn't follow immediately but came out about 15 minutes later.

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