15: Jealousy

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Zac's pov

I got up and finished showering, after showering I went and made coffee. I continued to make breakfast since I saw how much she enjoyed it yesterday morning. The least I can do is treat her she deserves it.

I finished the coffee and breakfast and went to set the table. As I, finished she came in all dressed and ready. Damn girl you looking so damn fine, did your mama not tell you that looking that good was a sin to any male that sees you.

"Damn princess I'm going to have to fight of boys the whole day."

"No, you won't people barely know me, so it won't be much of a problem."

"Believe me when I say this after today, they'll surely notice you."

"So, I need to change is that what you're saying?"

"No not at all, you look gorgeous princess."

"Thank you Zacky, now can we eat I'm starving."

"Yeah sure."

We then ate and I cleaned up afterwards. She left and now there was nothing but silence filling the now empty house. Damn I'm going to miss waking up and seeing her in the morning, when I, have to go back home. It's official I'll just have to kidnap her, then she'll be forced to life with me forever.

Damnit Zac way to sound like a psychopath. Anyway, I now made my way to school and upon arriving I saw Shane hugging Amelia. Oh, hell no he's trying to steal my girl, how dare that bastard even look in her direction and think that I would be okay with it.

I've had just about enough of this crap, it costs me a Friday night, gifts and lots of kisses to soften her up. And here comes Shane and all it takes is a friendly conversation and she's putty in his hands. Nope not on my watch I refuse to lose her so quickly.

I shook it off and rather went to class. I'll speak to her later mark my words she's going to hear from me. First went by, second as well and now I'm on my way to history. I was happy cause I got to see her but why I got there she was sitting on the desk with Shane standing in between her legs. What the hell is going on?

Who does he think he is and why is she allowing this all, how dare he? Maybe she didn't care about me, maybe she didn't feel anything for me or maybe this asshole just couldn't leave alone what's not his. Then when we argue she tells me to stop being jealous and that their just friends, friends my ass.

According to, my friends don't do that. Maybe I was wrong about her and everything. Maybe she was out there to destroy guys like me. She was beautiful and she knew it, that's why she's playing this game because she knows how to prevent fall. Oh well Zac this is all on you because you just had to fall didn't you and now, she's not only playing you but she's messing with your head.

I then went into class and sat down not saying a word. She didn't even notice me coming in and I honestly wasn't bothered anymore. I decided to lie on my arms until the bell rang just to take my mind off things. After 5 minutes the bell rang and this period started.

I saw Shane lifting her off the desk and I hated every bit of it (someone just hold me back before I kill someone). She was mine even though she wasn't my girlfriend but I guess, I can forget about that ever happening because Shane was moving in and was sure going to win her over.

After the teacher finished explaining we got worksheets to do and we had to work in groups. Zayn asked Shane to work with him but he refused. He worked with Amelia and Zayn called me over. So, we worked together, you know he used to be the treat but he stopped, now Shane took over why he wanted to do that I don't know.

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