14: The new boy

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I got ready and went downstairs. When I got into the kitchen Zac was already busy making breakfast, I swear if he leaves, I'm going to die. It felt weird not preparing my own breakfast but I didn't mind, less work for me.

We ate, cleaned and left for school. Of course, we didn't leave together because that would be weird but anyway after driving 5 minutes I arrived. I then went to my locker and met up with the guys and Meg. First was going to be fun since my friends were with me. The bell rang for first and this awful yet fun period started.

The teacher explained the work gave out worksheets and we started working. Zac was pretty quiet and it was unlike him since he always had so much to say. After finishing my worksheet, I turned around but he stopped me. Why? I then realized that my friends were gazing at me with troubled eyes.

Pushing that thought aside the bell rang and I went to second. That went past and so did third and it was lunch now. So, I made my way over to the cafeteria and went to sit down with my friends.

We were talking and I then turned around and saw those emerald green eyes caught mine. Who was he and why was he at our table?

"Did I miss something?"

"Yeah we met him in French he's new here."

"I can see he's new, hi I'm Amelia Collins you are?"

"Hi, I'm Shane Anderson nice to meet you."

"The pleasure's mine."

We continued chatting and he told us a joke of course I laughed and just then I saw Zac coming in. I knew with everything in me that he hated the fact of this new guy. To him, it was a threat, new competition that could take everything he cares about.

After lunch went by, I made my way to history and got caught by arms. Then I felt him pulling me closer, he lifted me and my legs folded around his waist we then proceeded to make out like never before. Dammit, he had a way of working with me like no one else. We broke the kiss and went to class.

As we arrived, I saw Shane there, boy this was a call for trouble. So, I sorted the problem there and then.

"What's he doing here?"

"He probably has a class with us."

"He better stay away from my princess."

"Wait did you just use my and princess in the same sentence?"

"Yes, I did why?"

"Never mind."

"I'm serious princess."

"Yeah, I know Zacky."

"You're sitting next to me."


"So that he can't sit next to you."

"Come on Zacky, really."

"Yeah princess I'm sorry but a guys got to do what a guys got to do."

"Sorry Zacky but you're not my boss."

"Please princess I'm begging you."

"You're cute when you beg but no, I'm sitting in my seat."

"I'll just have to move you myself."

"No, remember Zayn is in this class. We don't want to attract attention."

"Fine but I'll be keeping an eye on this guy."

"Oh, Zacky stop being serious."

"Whatever princess."

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